• 164 results for your search term

    Bird Watchers Post Big Data to Vermont eBird in 2016

    This year marks the 14 year anniversary of Vermont eBird, the first state portal for eBird. In just a decade-and-a-half, the bird checklists that

    A Red-throated Loon Drops in for Thanksgiving

    last night, this exquisite bird was found in the middle of the road along route 15 in walden vermont...

    New Damselfly Species Found in Vermont

    So I concentrate on getting good photos to identify when I download them. I was completely surprised when I saw my photos." He...

    Lynx Spotted in Southern Vermont

    a lone canada lynx was photographed in the southern vermont town of londonderry this june, marking the first confirmed evidence of lynx in...

    Weather and Blackpolls Storm Mt. Mansfield

    vce completed its 25th consecutive field season on the mt. mansfield ridgeline in dramatic fashion, encountering a storm of both weather and migrant...

    Nighthawk Season: Catch it While You Can

    on warm summer evenings in the breeding season in vermont, common nighthawks once roamed the skies over treetops, and towns. those days are...

    Owls and Tennessee Warblers Find VCE Nets on Mansfield

    VCE enjoyed an eventful, if quiet, final summer field trip to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline. Banding highlights included a

    Mountain Bird Watch: A Real White Mountain Adventure!

    after four weeks (for me) and 11 survey routes later, the mountain bird watch (mbw) season has come to an end, but of...

    A Flower Trap

    and deliver the pollinia. To do this successfully, they must again pass their leg through one of the anther slits in another flower...

    Finding Ferns

    Rattlesnake Fern (Botrypus virginianus) in the sun’s spotlight. © K.P. McFarland On Saturday, we took an iNaturalist Vermont walk with interns and citizen naturalists