• 164 results for your search term

    A Field Guide to May 2016

    The month of May is a show-off. Woodland wildflowers jump out of the ground and demand attention. Trees flower and leaves burst from long-dormant

    Outdoor Radio: Amphibian Crossing Guards Help with Migration

    rite of spring for both amphibians and enthusiastic volunteers. amphibians leave the ir underground winter home on rainy spring nights and migrate to...

    Sandhill Cranes Make Surprise Visit to Windsor County

    recent increase in New England, and the possibility that this stately species will be more regularly found in the Upper Valley and beyond....

    A Field Guide to April 2016

    april is the carnal month. the forest and wetlands return to life with cold desire. here's vce's field guide to april....

    Salt Pans and Elfin Forests: a Birding Tour de Force on Puerto Rico

    a 2 1/2 day birding trip in western puerto rico, under the auspices of the sociedad ornitológica puertorriqueña (sopi), yielded 80 species and...

    Puerto Rico Scorecard: Endemics 17, Bicknell’s Thrush 7

    species is rare and local on the island.  José and team will continue field surveys through March, and I’ll be very surprised if...

    “Rarity Roundup:” Hot Birds from the Christmas Count Season

    A balmy December, unfrozen lakes, and many eager birders in the field conspired to produce Tufted Duck, Pacific Loons, White-eyed Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Townsend's

    A Field Guide to January

    December, many of us are hoping that the traditional "January thaw" will bypass us this year, if it even exists at all. With...

    Globetrotting for Grassland Birds

    Rosalind Renfrew reports on her two-month journey to South America, where she worked with VCE's conservation partners to reverse the disturbing population decline among

    Sex, Drugs and Bees: plant chemistry and pollinators

    Economics at the University of Vermont and co-PI on the Vermont Center for Ecostudies Bumble Bee Atlas project, explain his amazing findings. Suds...