• 164 results for your search term

    Common Loon

    both incubate the eggs for several hours before switching places. Loons will leave their nest when people get too close, putting eggs or...

    Of Birds and Buckets: Nocturnal Flight Call Recordings Shine A Light on Migration Timing

    most of our knowledge regarding the migration timing of songbirds comes from birding observations made during the day, even though much of the...

    Kinglets Rain on Mansfield Ridgeline as VCE Wraps Season #30

    Tiny feathered gems--Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets--filled VCE's mist nets and ushered in the autumnal equinox on Mt. Mansfield to conclude our 30th field season

    Vermont Town Birding Challenge

    251 towns, a monumental achievement! learn how focusing your birding efforts at the town level can be rewarding in so many different ways....