• 294 results for your search term

    A Lost Loon’s Saga Ends Well on the Maine Coast

    Colo. VCE’s Loon Conservation Biologist Eric Hanson provided essential skills to best care for the loon. Eric passed the baton off by delivering Colo...

    A tentative first step towards saving Sierra de Bahoruco

    burned to bedrock, the prospect of forest regeneration is distant at best; more likely is that the clearings grow up as grassy savannah...

    A Wayward Loon’s Rescue: Update No. 1

    up in no time! I’ll keep you posted on her progress. Best regards, Diane So Little Guy’s fantastic journey continues — from a Vermont...

    VCE Embraces Open Science

    We have always recognized that sharing our data is in everyone’s best interest, and have committed substantial staff time to making our observations...

    By Land and by Sea, VCE Birdathon a Success

    paddled 15 miles on one of New England’s signature rivers, and best of all – we raised vital funds for VCE’s wildlife conservation...

    Choose Native Plants When Landscaping

    low-lying wet areas or streambanks, dogwoods, alders, and native willows work best, but popp advises people against nonnative trees such as white willow,...

    Nightlife With Upland Sandpipers

    capture is usually relegated to nocturnal species like owls, but the best way to outsmart Upland Sandpipers is to take them by surprise....

    Merlins: Murder, Mayhem and Magnificence Now Flying Near You

    here’s a Vermont eBird map of Merlin sightings this month. The best way to find Merlins is to hear their laughing chatter. (The...

    A Field Guide to March 2015

    general hypothesis is that the females prefer the male defending the best territory (size and quality matters) or exhibiting some other evidence of...

    Friday the 13th Brings Good Luck on Puerto Rico

    any doubt. Bicknell’s Thrush in Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic (the best we could do!). Photo courtesy of Ivan Mota. This encounter was...