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    cohort of individuals early in their ecology careers to gain h and s-on experience on research and conservation projects. below are two of...

    The 2015 Christmas Bird Count Roundup

    our third-ever CBC in this neck of the woods and the best yet!” No doubt, three White-crowned Sparrows at a feeder saw to...

    A Field Guide to January

    near Chimney Point Bridge and Fort Cassin Point near Ferrisburgh. Your best source of recent sightings is on Vermont eBird. Check out the...

    A Field Guide to “Stick Season”

    Goose Scoop This past week or two offered some of the season’s best views of Snow Geese gathered at Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area...

    Swainson’s Thrush

    Natural History Swainson’s Thrush is best identified by its distinctive “spectacles” and the warm buffy tones suffusing its face and upper chest. Like other...

    Our Results

    research published in scientific journals can visit the RESULTS link from any particular VCE project, our scientific publications, and our ever-growing open data....

    Bob Spear (1920-2014)

    bird-feeding station, with microphones bringing bird sounds indoors, is arguably the best view of feeding birds I have seen on the planet. On...

    Suds & Science

    Thank you everyone--the 2024 Suds & Science season has drawn to a close with a great talk about climate change and tick ecology....

    Outdoor Radio

    earthworms recently found in Vermont and threaten forest health. Join Outdoor Radio as they search the forest floor looking for invasive species of worms....


    can read a few back issues here on the VCE website. But your best bet is to use the handy subscription option below....