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    Mowing Hay and Growing Birds

    that depends on grasslands. It turns out that Bobolinks find our open meadows and hayfields just perfect for raising their families—but almost certain...

    Help Us Record Painted Lady Butterflies on the Move

    painted lady butterflies are flitting about fields, gardens, roadsides and meadows throughout eastern north america and beyond. like monarch butterflies, with which they...

    SOS! Search Our Shorelines for Shells

    the Plan. And one of the highest priority actions is to obtain information on distribution and abundance of each species. From the common...

    Outdoor Radio: Bat Counts

    biologists kent mcfarl and and sara zahendra join alyssa bennett from the vermont fish and wildlife department, as well as two volunteer bat...

    A Field Guide to June 2017

    wooded hillsides, a robin egg sky, chorus of bird song, butterflies and bees on flowers. we often forget about the clouds of black...

    Farewell and Thanks to a Tireless Caribbean Conservationist

    to new adventures. all of us at vce wish him well and offer him our profound thanks for a job extraordinarily well done....

    Mt. Mansfield Yields Avian Surprises

    and not a breath of wind. We set 26 nets and immediately began catching birds, ending up with 25 individuals by nightfall. Vocal...

    A Water Lily’s World

    down the length of stem called the aerenchyma. Air enters tiny open ings on the leaf, called stomata. While land plants have them...

    State to Hold Meeting on Proposed Endangered Species Law Updates

    will hold a meeting to discuss proposed changes to vermont’s threatened and endangered species law. the meeting will take place august 5, 2015...

    Summer Banding on Mansfield Ends with a Flourish

    and balmy, with an arresting sunset. We had 23 mist nets open by 7 pm in ideal dry, calm conditions. By the time...