• 164 results for your search term

    Mount Mansfield Week 9 – Quality Over Quantity

    air was noticeably drier and cooler, and the nets were promptly open ed. Shortly thereafter, our first net check resulted in the capture...

    July Updates from the Loon Conservation Team

    by visiting the Focused Loon Surveys section of our LoonWatch participation page (more information on this at the end). Webinar with Dr. James...

    press release – VCE Receives Major Funding for Loon Conservation

    June 24, 2021 522 words Contacts: Eric Hanson Loon Biologist Vermont Center for Ecostudies Ryan Rebozo Director of Conservation Science Vermont Center...

    VCE Presentations from the 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference

    VCE staff members presented at the virtual 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference in April. Their presentations were pre-recorded and are now available to you

    Mammal Big Year: Winter Update

    Mammals are on the move, and Pete Kerby-Miller is tracking them. Find out what they found in this Mammal Big Year Winter Update!

    A (Mammal) Big Year

    Pete Kerby-Miller, VCE's Mountain Ecology Technician, is attempting to photograph every mammal species known to Vermont in 2021. The gauntlet has been thrown down!

    Host a Motus Tower On Your Property and Help Track Tagged Wildlife

    with a small receiver that stores detections of tagged animals that pass near the towers (larger towers can detect outwards of 15 km...

    VCE’s 29th Season on Mansfield off to an Unusual Start

    ATVs, sleeping in a parking lot at 3900-ft elevation under the full moon, and Yellow-bellied Flycatchers. These and more highlighted an unusual start to

    April 2020 Photo-observation of the Month: American Woodcock

    Congratulations to Roy Pilcher for winning the April 2020 Vermont Atlas of Life iNaturalist photo-observation of the month.

    Rare Crested Caracara Visits Vermont

    On March 23, 2018 Mark Bessette surprised the Vermont iNaturalist community. Mark had snapped some photographs of an unusual-looking bird that he dubbed, “Elvis,