• Clive Wood - Trustee

    Clive Wood’s interest in biology started at a young age. He has been an active community scientist for over 40 years, starting with bird surveys organized by the British Trust for Ornithology. His first contribution to a scientific journal was at the age of 15, on the kleptoparasitic behavior of a Short-eared Owl. He is an avid contributor to eBird and iNaturalist and has also completed hundreds of underwater fish surveys for the Reef Environmental Education Foundation. Clive was born and educated in the UK (BSc and PhD Biochemistry, Imperial College London). His lifelong interests in birds, mammals, and fishes have led to a professional focus on biotechnology and discovering innovative medicines, most recently as Global Head of Discovery Research at Boehringer Ingelheim (2014-2024) and now as a venture partner at OrbiMed Advisors LLC. Clive and his wife Stella moved to New England in 1986 and live part-time in Orwell, VT.