VCE has a rich history of grassland bird research and conservation throughout the hemisphere. Since our founding we have sought to preserve these at-risk birds.

Bobolink Research
A leader in grassland bird research and conservation, VCE studies Bobolinks at virtually every stage of their life – from Canada to Argentina. We research the effects of blood parasites and pesticides, for example, and we're using innovative tracking technologies to learn more about Bobolink migration patterns. Discover our Bobolink research »

Bobolink Conservation Planning
The US Fish & Wildlife Service selected VCE to write the blueprint for the conservation of Bobolinks, not only across North America, but in South America as well – one of the first such conservation plans to span continents. Discover Bobolink conservation planning »

Grassland Bird Conservation
Recruiting and unifying biologists from seven countries, VCE is developing a plan to guide and coordinate research and conservation priorities for grassland birds across the Western Hemisphere. Discover how we conserve grassland birds »

Grassland Bird Migration Project
Across great distances they migrate—from the prairies and plains of North America to the pampas and fields of South America. For any grassland bird, breeding and wintering sites matter. Yet we cannot truly know and protect migratory birds until we know their flight plans. Discover how we track migrating grassland birds »

New England Grassland Bird Resurvey
In grassland habitats two decades ago, birdwatchers sowed the seeds of opportunity. With grassland birds in decline, Massachusetts Audubon in the 1990s surveyed sites in New England for Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, and other grassland bird species. Then we went back. Discover this project »

2021 Eastern Meadowlark Blitz
Through a partnership with New Hampshire Audubon, this bi-state “blitz” sought to document new populations, improve understanding of occupancy patterns, and positively impact on-the-ground conservation of this declining species in anticipation of their state listing as Threatened. 2021 Eastern Meadowlark Blitz »