• Speaker Request Form

    VCE’s mission is to unite people and science for conservation. We welcome the opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with community groups, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, policymakers, or anyone interested in learning more about VCE’s wildlife conservation work and the natural world.

    To help defray the costs of preparing and delivering our high-quality outreach programs, we request a modest stipend and travel expense reimbursement for all speakers. The standard rate for a VCE presentation (in person or online) is $250 plus mileage. However, we can offer some programs at a reduced rate for organizations that cannot pay in full (please see last question for details). Fees for longer programs, those involving a field walk component or other additional programming, or requiring an overnight stay, will vary, and will include reimbursement for meals and accommodations as needed.

    To help us make the most informed decision about your request for a VCE conservation biologist to speak at your event, class, or conference, please fill out the following questionnaire. We’ll get back in touch with you shortly.

    Speaker Request Form

    • VCE can offer limited programs at reduced rates. If your organization is requesting reduced speaker fees, please explain the reason and indicate the amount you can offer.