Anna is an avian ecologist and field technician with a deep love for the forests and mountains of New England. After studying in the UK and receiving a BA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge and a MRes in Tropical Forest Ecology from Imperial College London, she returned to America, drawn to the Northeast by the kindness of its people and the beauty of its natural communities.
A now-full-time resident of Central Vermont, Anna has worked with the Saltmarsh Habitat and Avian Research Program studying the breeding ecology of Seaside and Saltmarsh Sparrows in New York City; with New Hampshire Audubon banding and tracking radiotagged Rusty Blackbirds in northern New Hampshire; and with the Berkshire Bird Observatory as a fall migration banding assistant in Western Massachusetts.
She first volunteered for VCE in the summer of 2020 as a banding assistant on Mt Mansfield, and is excited to return to work with VCE as lead banding technician on Mt Mansfield and Mt Washington. Nothing is more invigorating to her than hiking a mountain in the pre-dawn, birds waking up in cascading chorus all around and dawnlight just beginning to hit the nets, with a full day of banding ahead.
When not banding into the wee hours, Anna loves to sing polyphonic folk music, play fiddle tunes, contradance, build barns, and get her fingers into the dirt.