Cover image by Patricia E. Greene-Swift
A comprehensive new manual of Vermont’s plants has been released by the New York Botanical Garden Press. The first reference of its kind since 1969, New Flora of Vermont was written by botanist Arthur Gilman of Marshfield, Vermont.
Fish & Wildlife Department staff collaborated with Gilman on the creation of the book and provided the author access to the state’s Natural Heritage Inventory’s information on rare, threatened, and endangered plants. The Department also shared plant specimens with Gilman.
New Flora of Vermont serves as a comprehensive treatment of all species known to occur in the state, both native and naturalized. It incorporates the many changes in plant names and species additions and deletions that have occurred in the forty-six years since the last edition of Flora of Vermont was published. It also offers identification characteristics, habitat descriptions, locations, and degree of rarity.
“Arthur Gilman is a gifted botanist with a keen eye for detail who worked tirelessly on this project for many years,” said Bob Popp, Fish & Wildlife’s botanist. “Amateur botanists and specialists alike will appreciate this welcome addition to the state’s natural history library. It adds significantly to our knowledge of the plants of Vermont.”
New Flora of Vermont is available from the New York Botanical Garden at http://www.nybg.org/press/ or can be ordered from local book stores.