• Posts tagged with bird

    Where are the Whip-poor-wills? 2018 Field Season Update

    Where are the Whip-poor-wills? 2018 Field Season Update

    For more than a decade, VCE has led a project that takes place while most folks are fast asleep. Learn about our 2018 Whip-poor-will Project survey results, and find out how you can get involved!

    Field Update: Loon Wins and Losses

    Field Update: Loon Wins and Losses

    Every year, some of our returning loons get themselves into “hot water,” so to speak. Eric Hanson, VCE’s loon biologist, gives us his mid-season good news/bad news update here.

    2018 Peregrine Falcon Nesting Season Complete

    2018 Peregrine Falcon Nesting Season Complete

    The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department recently announced that Peregrine Falcon nesting season has ended, so hikers and rock climbers can return to Vermont cliffs starting August 1, 2018.

    Congratulations on adopting a route! Now prepare for your high-elevation adventure.

    Weathering Whitcomb for Mountain Birdwatch

    Tara Rodkey, VCE’s 2018 Alexander Dickey Conservation Intern, shares her reflections on a particular Mountain Birdwatch site on a mid-summer’s day (and night).

    VCE Vlog: Field Update from the Great North Woods

    VCE Vlog: Field Update from the Great North Woods

    VCE Director of Science John Lloyd recently emerged from the Great North Woods long enough to seek out a WiFi signal to share this brief update from the field. All of us here at VCE were relieved to see that the mosquitoes had not yet carried him away.

    Lead Fishing Tackle Detrimental to NH Loon Population

    Lead Fishing Tackle Detrimental to NH Loon Population

    A recent study of mortality in New Hampshire loons over 24 years reveals that ingestion of lead fishing gear (primarily jigs and sinkers) is the leading cause of death among adults. This troubling discovery helped spur a regulatory ban on sale and use of lead tackle, and lead-caused loon mortality rates have since declined statewide.

    Success: Crossing Boundaries for Conservation

    Success: Crossing Boundaries for Conservation

    VCE announces finalization of the Strategic Conservation Plan for Sierra de Bahoruco National Park in the Dominican Republic. The plan, which VCE helped to both fund and facilitate, aims to preserve the park’s unique forested habitats for the benefit of plants, wildlife, and humans alike.

    The Natural and UnNatural Life of Loons

    The Natural and UnNatural Life of Loons

    VCE loon biologist, Eric Hanson, recently spoke to a crowd at our monthly Suds & Science series at the Norwich…

    Loons Post Record Year for Nesting Success, Bald Eagle Nesting Down

    Loons Post Record Year for Nesting Success, Bald Eagle Nesting Down

    Vermont’s loon population had a record year for nesting success, producing 65 fledglings, or chicks that survived to leave the…

    A Sad Centennial

    A Sad Centennial

    A sad 100th anniversary tomorrow. On September 1, 1914, the last passenger pigeon in the world, Martha, died in the…