• Posts tagged with Birds

    Success: Crossing Boundaries for Conservation

    Success: Crossing Boundaries for Conservation

    VCE announces finalization of the Strategic Conservation Plan for Sierra de Bahoruco National Park in the Dominican Republic. The plan, which VCE helped to both fund and facilitate, aims to preserve the park’s unique forested habitats for the benefit of plants, wildlife, and humans alike.

    VCE Birdathon Terns up a Last-minute Surprise

    VCE Birdathon Terns up a Last-minute Surprise

    Boreal birds, balsam fir spires and peat bogs proved an irresistible lure to the Green Mountain Goatsuckers, drawing us back to Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom for our 2018 Birdathon. From the Barton River wetlands to the larch and fir forests of Victory, we covered a lot of ground. Our species count topped out at 103, and the day’s most surprising bird was our very last tally.

    VCE Partners with BirdsCaribbean for Post-hurricane Relief

    VCE Partners with BirdsCaribbean for Post-hurricane Relief

    VCE is partnering with BirdsCaribbean to raise funds for humans and wildlife affected by the succession of devastating hurricanes throughout the Caribbean this season. Please join us in helping get the region back on its feet!

    VCE's Cuba Expedition a Resounding Success

    VCE’s Cuba Expedition a Resounding Success

    VCE’s inaugural field trip to Cuba may not have yielded many Bicknell’s Thrush (2, to be exact), but it laid a strong foundation for our future work on this captivating island. We forged a promising partnership with our sister institute BIOECO, made many great friends, learned the ropes of conducting field there, and, yes, managed to see half of Cuba’s 26 endemics.

    Cuba Next on VCE's Horizon

    Cuba Next on VCE’s Horizon

    Cuba is on VCE’s horizon, as Chris Rimmer and John Lloyd venture this week to the island’s eastern tip, in search of overwintering Bicknell’s Thrush. Backpacking to cloud forests of Sierra Maestra, where Fidel Castro famously hid out in the 1950s, and then venturing east to the serpentine forests of Humboldt National Park, they expect to find some thrushes, and a good number of Cuba’s 26 endemic birds.

    Weather and Blackpolls Storm Mt. Mansfield

    Weather and Blackpolls Storm Mt. Mansfield

    VCE completed its 25th consecutive field season on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline in dramatic fashion, encountering a storm of both weather and migrant birds. We banded a record 46 Blackpoll Warblers, and Bicknell’s Thrushes were vocalizing actively even as we took down our last nets in the gusty rain.

    Owls and Tennessee Warblers Find VCE Nets on Mansfield

    Owls and Tennessee Warblers Find VCE Nets on Mansfield

    VCE enjoyed an eventful, if quiet, final summer field trip to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline. Banding highlights included a juvenile Northern Saw-whet Owl, 2 adult Tennessee Warblers, and 12 juvenile Bicknell’s Thrushes.

    Mt. Mansfield Yields Avian Surprises

    Mt. Mansfield Yields Avian Surprises

    VCE’s seventh weekly visit to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline yielded a few avian surprises, including the only Indigo Bunting recorded in 25 years of field work.

    Miracles on Wings

    Miracles on Wings

    They say that miracles only happen once, but for VCE biologists a miracle with wings has now hit their nets three times.

    Loon Chicks in November

    Loon Chicks in November

    By early November, the majority of adult Common Loons in Vermont have departed for the New England coast, where they…