• Posts tagged with Birds

    A Record Year for Loon Nesting in Vermont

    A Record Year for Loon Nesting in Vermont

    This year proved a highly successful one for Vermont’s breeding loons—a record, in fact! However, every loon breeding season is more than just numbers. It’s also about the stories of difficult moments and the experiences of our hardworking volunteers who make everything we accomplish possible.

    Non-locals Light Up VCE Nets on Mansfield

    Non-locals Light Up VCE Nets on Mansfield

    VCE’s final summer banding session on Mt. Mansfield featured a striking–and puzzling–absence of locally-breeding birds but a strong showing by non-local warblers and our first-ever Northern Flicker.

    (At Least It’s Not) All Quiet on the Western Front: Eluded by Whip-poor-wills in Windham County

    (At Least It’s Not) All Quiet on the Western Front: Eluded by Whip-poor-wills in Windham County

    Despite numerous survey locations and some new robotic helpers, this year’s Windham County whip-poor-will survey team had a quiet season. However, historic hotspots in other regions of Vermont reported their usual noisy numbers of this nocturnal species.

    A Deluge of Juncos and a Surprise Boreal Visitor on Mansfield

    A Deluge of Juncos and a Surprise Boreal Visitor on Mansfield

    Week 7 of VCE’s 2021 banding season on Mt. Mansfield featured a plethora of juvenile juncos and an unexpected, dapper male Bay-breasted Warbler.

    Seasonal Changes Emerging on Mt. Mansfield

    Seasonal Changes Emerging on Mt. Mansfield

    Free-flying juveniles. Molting adults. Regressing brood patches. Subdued, sporadic song. Seasonal changes that signal summer’s inevitable transition were in evidence during VCE’s Week 6 banding session on Mt. Mansfield.

    A Bicknell's Thrush Storm on Mansfield

    A Bicknell’s Thrush Storm on Mansfield

    Mansfield’s breeding birds proved far hardier than the ornithologists studying them during VCE’s Week 4 banding session on Mt. Mansfield. Despite challenging weather, mist captures were solid, and Bicknell’s Thrushes dominated, with a single-visit record of 17 individuals.

    Mansfield Ridgeline Quiet During VCE Week 3 Visit

    Mansfield Ridgeline Quiet During VCE Week 3 Visit

    VCE’s third banding session of 2021 on Mt. Mansfield was quieter than normal for mid-June, but featured a veteran female Bicknell’s Thrush (possibly the oldest on record) and a feisty Sharp-shinned Hawk.

    A Veteran Bicknell's Thrush Helps Launch New VCE Study

    A Veteran Bicknell’s Thrush Helps Launch New VCE Study

    VCE’s second 2021 banding session on Mt. Mansfield netted a record-tying veteran 11 year-old Bicknell’s Thrush, who now wears a tiny GPS tag that will help elucidate late winter, pre-migratory movements on the species’ Caribbean wintering grounds.

    Blackpolls Abound as VCE Launches Year #30 on Mansfield

    Blackpolls Abound as VCE Launches Year #30 on Mansfield

    VCE’s first 2021 foray to Mt. Mansfield marks our 30th year of monitoring the ridgeline’s montane forest breeding birds. Banding highlights included a bounty of Blackpoll Warblers, 7 Bicknell’s Thrushes (5 from previous years), and our first-ever Veery capture.

    "Big Day" Birding

    “Big Day” Birding

    Read the captivating account of a life-changing “Big Day” experience by VCE staff biologist and accomplished birder, Nathaniel Sharp. You can experience a “Big Day” with VCE – join us for Backyard Bird Quest 2021 on May 22nd!