• Posts tagged with BITH

    Mount Mansfield 2024 Midseason Report

    Mount Mansfield 2024 Midseason Report

    With six trips up to Mount Mansfield’s peak and five trips to Mount Washington under our belts, VCE’s banding team is well into our summer 2024 montane bird banding and monitoring efforts! Battling rain, wind, chill, and scorching heat has been the baseline for this summer, but although perfect weather has been elusive, the birds we seek have not.

    The Next Generation of Mt. Mansfield Ridgeline Research at VCE

    The Next Generation of Mt. Mansfield Ridgeline Research at VCE

    With all the buzz on bees and other pollinators lately, you may be wondering if VCE is still studying birds. Are we ever! Amongst the plethora of continuing and new research, our Bicknell’s Thrush research program is going strong and has expanded to explore additional questions and build on past discoveries.