• Posts tagged with Blackpoll Warbler

    Mansfield Update: Hardy Survivors and a Site-faithful Sharpie

    Mansfield Update: Hardy Survivors and a Site-faithful Sharpie

    After forced cancellation of a planned field trip to Mt. Mansfield in early June, when wind chills on the ridgeline plummeted to 14 degrees F, VCE returned on June 15-16. The avian chorus was subdued, but the hardiness of resident birds was evident. A male Sharp-shinned Hawk banded in 2013 was a surprise returnee in our nets.

    The Blackpoll Warbler's Daring Trans-Atlantic Migration

    The Blackpoll Warbler’s Daring Trans-Atlantic Migration

    VCE has helped to document one of the most amazing feats of migration on the planet: the Blackpoll Warbler’s flight over the Atlantic Ocean non-stop for up to three days. Our research on the flights is published today in the journal Biology Letters.

    Languages, by Tina Scharf

    Languages, by Tina Scharf

    After some calculations, I realize that I must go to my Mountain Bird Watch survey site this very night –…