• Posts tagged with endangered

    Vermont State Butterfly Proposed for Threatened Species Listing

    Vermont State Butterfly Proposed for Threatened Species Listing

    For many Vermonters, Monarchs are a much-anticipated sign that summer is truly here. However, experts have long been growing concerned over declines in migratory Monarch populations. In December 2024, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service officially proposed to list the species as Threatened.

    VAL Director Provides Testimony on Proposed Neonicotinoid Ban

    VAL Director Provides Testimony on Proposed Neonicotinoid Ban

    On February 9, 2024, VCE Conservation Biologist and Vermont Atlas of Life Director Kent McFarland provided testimony to the Vermont State Agriculture, Food Resiliency & Forestry Committee on H.706, a bill requiring restrictions on neonicotinoids. What follows is the text from the written testimony.

    A Tale of Two Loon Chick Rescues

    A Tale of Two Loon Chick Rescues

    This past summer VCE was involved in two very different loon chick rescues with very different outcomes.  Although these ordeals did not have a lot in common, they each had dedicated and caring volunteers, willing to use their time and resources to help these birds.

    The Rising Seas and Stakes for Coastal New England Wildlife

    The Rising Seas and Stakes for Coastal New England Wildlife

    Many conversations about sea level rise in New England center the disastrous effects it will have on coastal infrastructure and economies. But damage to fragile coastal ecosystems and the species that rely on them may be unmeasurable and irrecoverable. A recent study reveals new predictions about Saltmarsh Sparrows’ fate under moderate sea level rise scenarios.

    Meet Vermont's Newest Endangered Species

    Meet Vermont’s Newest Endangered Species

    The latest Vermont Endangered and Threatened species list celebrated the recovery of Bald Eagles and the Canada Black Snakeroot, while five new species and three critical habitats were added. Learn about the newest members of the list that will need our help for their recovery.

    Tribute to Steve Parren — a Conservation Champion and VCE Friend

    Tribute to Steve Parren — a Conservation Champion and VCE Friend

    Steve Parren, longtime cornerstone of non-game wildlife conservation efforts at the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, will soon retire. VCE salutes this conservation champion and reflects on his remarkable legacy.

    Gifts for the Conservation-minded People on Your Gift-giving List

    Gifts for the Conservation-minded People on Your Gift-giving List

    The holidays are stressful enough without the added burden of having to think outside the box (and quickly) to make sure you have something for everyone. We at VCE would like to help you out this season by providing some creative, conservation-themed solutions to your gift-giving dilemmas!

    Gifts for the Conservation-minded Person Who Has Everything

    Gifts for the Conservation-minded Person Who Has Everything

    “Honestly, I really don’t need anything.”

    We all have them. People in our lives who are impossible to shop for, because they have everything they need. The holidays are stressful enough without the added burden of having to think outside the box (and quickly) to make sure you have something for everyone. We at VCE would like to help you out this season by providing some creative, conservation-themed solutions to your gift-giving dilemmas!

    Chocolate: It's for the Birds

    Chocolate: It’s for the Birds

    Help us spread the word about an exciting initiative to conserve Bicknell’s Thrush wintering habitat. And eat more cacao. It’s good for you and the birds!

    Study Reveals Striking Decline of Vermont’s Bumble Bees

    Study Reveals Striking Decline of Vermont’s Bumble Bees

    A new study examining 100 years of bumble bee records reveals that almost half of Vermont’s species, which are vital pollinators, have either vanished or are in serious decline.