Field Guide to April 2024
As grays and browns permeate the muddy landscape of late spring, summer colors lie just beneath the surface, almost ready to bloom. Strolling through your neighborhood or favorite woodland in April, you may begin to notice flashy dapples of the season’s first wildflowers. The trees around you will start to reverberate with birdsong while the ponds echo with choruses of Wood Frogs and Spring Peepers. If you’re lucky, you may even catch the buzz of an early-season bee as it forages. Here’s our guide to some of the new life bursting forth this month.

From Barely a Peep to a Cacophony
It’s a warm spring evening. The sun has set. Down in the valley, there is a chorus erupting, and up…

VCE Expands Vernal Pool Conservation Work
VCE is bringing its biodiversity mapping skills to the conservation of vernal pools across the Northeast. With a major grant…