November 2024 Photo-observation of the Month
Congratulations to iNaturalist user darontansley for winning the November 2024 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist! Their photo of a Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) with leucism perched upon a tree branch received the most faves of any iNaturalist observation in Vermont during the past month.
Field Guide to September 2023
It can happen almost anywhere. On a cool, foggy morning, when fall warblers drop from their nocturnal migratory flights into your backyard. Or on a hilltop when the Broad-winged Hawks circling above and Monarchs gliding southward convince you that summer is indeed coming to a close. Here is your field guide to some life on the move in September.
Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rough-legged Hawk
Keen birders have spotted the annual arrival of Rough-legged Hawk, a buteo of the north that winters here in Vermont….