• Posts tagged with iNaturalist

    October 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    October 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Craig Hunt for winning the October 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist! His photo of a Hairy Woodpecker with a bill deformity appearing to ponder its reflection in a pane of glass received the most faves of any iNaturalist observation in Vermont during the past month.

    Field Guide to November 2021

    Field Guide to November 2021

    As the days shorten and the temperature drops, wildlife scrambles to use the final available fall food sources before winter sets in. From hibernacula to gut microbiota, a chilly change is in the air. Read all about it in this month’s field guide.

    Field Guide to June 2021

    Field Guide to June 2021

    Most of our avian migrants have returned, and the flush of spring ephemeral wildflowers is beginning to fade. However, new life abounds in June! Find out more in this month’s Field Guide.

    Field Guide to April 2021

    Field Guide to April 2021

    Migrating birds, blooming flowers, and (of course) mud season. April in Vermont is upon us, and spring is here! Find out what’s happening outside in your Field Guide to April.

    a bobcat track in snow

    Mammal Big Year: Winter Update

    Mammals are on the move, and Pete Kerby-Miller is tracking them. Find out what they found in this Mammal Big Year Winter Update!

    A Giant Leap Northward for a Butterfly

    A Giant Leap Northward for a Butterfly

    Our study published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution this week shows an unusually rapid northward range shift by the Eastern Giant Swallowtail.

    Field Guide to March 2021

    Field Guide to March 2021

    In early March, snowbanks and frosty mornings remind us it’s still winter–but by month’s end longer days and warmer winds prevail. On March 20, the vernal equinox marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Here are some signs of spring to look for in the natural world to tide you over until warmer weather truly arrives.

    A (Mammal) Big Year

    A (Mammal) Big Year

    Pete Kerby-Miller, VCE’s Mountain Ecology Technician, is attempting to photograph every mammal species known to Vermont in 2021. The gauntlet has been thrown down!

    Naturalists Help the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist Build Biodiversity Big Data in 2020

    Naturalists Help the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist Build Biodiversity Big Data in 2020

    From the first observation of 2020, a Gray Fox still celebrating the New Year at 4:30 AM, to Great Mullein leaves poking out of the snow shared at twilight on the last day of the year, naturalists added nearly 175,000 biodiversity records to our rapidly growing database of life in Vermont. Read on for highlights from an amazing year!

    Gifts for the Conservation-minded People on Your Gift-giving List

    Gifts for the Conservation-minded People on Your Gift-giving List

    The holidays are stressful enough without the added burden of having to think outside the box (and quickly) to make sure you have something for everyone. We at VCE would like to help you out this season by providing some creative, conservation-themed solutions to your gift-giving dilemmas!