• Posts tagged with loons

    West Hill Pond- Fishing Line Loon

    West Hill Pond- Fishing Line Loon

    Vermont Loon Conservation Project (VLCP) volunteer, Melissa Perley, kayaked up to one of the resident loons on West Hill Pond…

    Vermont Loon Update 17 July 2014

    Vermont Loon Update 17 July 2014

    Loonwatch day: The annual statewide loonwatch survey takes place this Saturday, July 19.   Most of the high priority lakes are assigned…

    Another Lucky Loon

    Another Lucky Loon

    This morning (June 5) a friend of VCE’s seasonal loon assistant, Angela Apicelli, came across a loon sitting at the…

    Penguin Dancing Season

    Penguin Dancing Season

    The loon season is upon us and the birds are back setting up and defending their territories from intruder loons….