• Posts tagged with moth

    Building an Automated Moth Monitoring Network

    Building an Automated Moth Monitoring Network

    How are moth populations faring in Vermont? Except for a few species, no one really knows. A few years ago, VAL teamed up with community scientists, biologists, engineers, and computer scientists from around the world to change that. Now, we are poised to understand moths like never before.

    Field Guide to August 2023

    Field Guide to August 2023

    The dog days of summer are here, hot and sultry. The Romans referred to this time of year as the days of the dog star, when Sirius appears in the sky just before the sun and marks the hottest days of summer. Read all about August’s natural wonders in this month’s field guide.

    Field Guide to July 2023

    Field Guide to July 2023

    The avian breeding season is winding down. Even a few southbound shorebirds will trickle through the region this month on their “fall” migration. But as the dawn bird chorus fades from northern woodlands, fields and wetlands erupt in the sparkle and drama of summer insects. Here’s a short guide to some of the other glitter now on the wing.

    Field Guide to June 2023

    Field Guide to June 2023

    Here in Vermont, we dream of June during the darkest days of January. Verdant wooded hillsides glowing brightly under a robin egg sky. Warm afternoon breezes rolling through the valleys as we lounge by the clear waters of a cold river. The chorus of birds waking us each morning. June is a dream here. Its days last forever.

    Field Guide to November 2021

    Field Guide to November 2021

    As the days shorten and the temperature drops, wildlife scrambles to use the final available fall food sources before winter sets in. From hibernacula to gut microbiota, a chilly change is in the air. Read all about it in this month’s field guide.

    Field Guide to April 2021

    Field Guide to April 2021

    Migrating birds, blooming flowers, and (of course) mud season. April in Vermont is upon us, and spring is here! Find out what’s happening outside in your Field Guide to April.

    Naturalists Help the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist Build Biodiversity Big Data in 2020

    Naturalists Help the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist Build Biodiversity Big Data in 2020

    From the first observation of 2020, a Gray Fox still celebrating the New Year at 4:30 AM, to Great Mullein leaves poking out of the snow shared at twilight on the last day of the year, naturalists added nearly 175,000 biodiversity records to our rapidly growing database of life in Vermont. Read on for highlights from an amazing year!

    A Lifetime Dedicated to Nature: JoAnne Russo Receives VCE's 2020 Julie Nicholson Community Science Award

    A Lifetime Dedicated to Nature: JoAnne Russo Receives VCE’s 2020 Julie Nicholson Community Science Award

    Joanne Russo’s contributions to better understanding the conservation status of Vermont’s wildlife (especially moths) have been extraordinary–and for this, the staff and board of VCE are proud to present JoAnne with the 2020 Julie Nicholson Community Scientist Award.

    Field Guide to December 2020

    Field Guide to December 2020

    December is off to a gentle start this year; the annual blanket of snow and ice has yet to drape across the land. Cozy up with our Field Guide and a warm cup of tea to learn how species from birds to bats and mice to moose face the coming cold-weather challenges.

    eye spots on moth

    Vote for the July iNaturalist Vermont Observation of the Month

    National Moth Week was in July, so we made moths our iNaturalist Vermont observation of the month category. With over…