• Posts tagged with Vermont Atlas of Life

    December 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    December 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Charlotte Bill for winning the December 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist! Charlotte’s photo of a Great Blue Heron braving the cold of a northern Vermont winter received the most faves of any iNaturalist observation in Vermont during the past month. 

    Field Guide to January 2022

    Field Guide to January 2022

    Although the days are slowly growing longer, life in the Northeast now finds itself in the coldest depths of winter. January is about survival. Wildlife that doesn’t migrate adapts instead in order to make it to spring. Here are a few tidbits of natural history happening outdoors this month around you.

    November 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    November 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Connor Quinn for winning the November 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist! Connor’s photo taken through a microscope of a minuscule fungal spore received the most faves of any iNaturalist observation in Vermont during the past month.

    Field Guide to December 2021

    Field Guide to December 2021

    An icy chill is in the air and tree limbs are coated in a delicate, snowy blanket—winter will soon be here. Across the landscape, animals who do not spend the winter tucked away scurry and flap, leaving evidence of their small dramas in the powder. Whether you choose to explore frozen hillsides or remain closer to home, there’s much to discover in December.

    October 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    October 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Craig Hunt for winning the October 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on iNaturalist! His photo of a Hairy Woodpecker with a bill deformity appearing to ponder its reflection in a pane of glass received the most faves of any iNaturalist observation in Vermont during the past month.

    Field Guide to November 2021

    Field Guide to November 2021

    As the days shorten and the temperature drops, wildlife scrambles to use the final available fall food sources before winter sets in. From hibernacula to gut microbiota, a chilly change is in the air. Read all about it in this month’s field guide.

    Field Guide to September 2021

    Field Guide to September 2021

    September is a month of transition—birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and more are beginning their southward migration while some bees and other species are emerging for the first time all summer. To the curious eye this month offers a lot of excitement and the happenings featured in this field guide are just the tip of the iceberg!

    Field Guide to August 2021

    Field Guide to August 2021

    The dog days of August are here. Insects are buzzing and summer’s bounty is plentiful. But migration is underway alerting us to the coming changes. Read all about them in this Field Guide to August.

    Field Guide to June 2021

    Field Guide to June 2021

    Most of our avian migrants have returned, and the flush of spring ephemeral wildflowers is beginning to fade. However, new life abounds in June! Find out more in this month’s Field Guide.

    "Big Day" Birding

    “Big Day” Birding

    Read the captivating account of a life-changing “Big Day” experience by VCE staff biologist and accomplished birder, Nathaniel Sharp. You can experience a “Big Day” with VCE – join us for Backyard Bird Quest 2021 on May 22nd!