• Posts tagged with Vermont Atlas of Life

    Move over Monarchs: VCE and Colleagues Reveal Astonishing Dragonfly Migration

    Move over Monarchs: VCE and Colleagues Reveal Astonishing Dragonfly Migration

    A recent study examines the chemistry locked in dragonfly wings to uncover the surprising annual migration of the Common Green Darner.

    When a Bluet Isn't Blue: Vermont's "Newest" Damselfly

    When a Bluet Isn’t Blue: Vermont’s “Newest” Damselfly

    Congratulations, Vermont. You’ve got a  new damselfly. Here’s a tale about a bluet that’s defies the “blue” in its name. It becomes Vermont’s 45th known damselfly species.

    2018 Peregrine Falcon Nesting Season Complete

    2018 Peregrine Falcon Nesting Season Complete

    The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department recently announced that Peregrine Falcon nesting season has ended, so hikers and rock climbers can return to Vermont cliffs starting August 1, 2018.

    Results from the Vermont Atlas of Life

    Results from the Vermont Atlas of Life

    Never before has Vermont known more about the diversity of life within its borders. Yet never before have we needed…

    Bumble Bees in Peril

    Bumble Bees in Peril

    Unprecedented search by VCE reveals four species either extinct or declining More than one-quarter of Vermont’s bumble bee species, which…

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rough-legged Hawk

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rough-legged Hawk

    Keen birders have spotted the annual arrival of Rough-legged Hawk, a buteo of the north that winters here in Vermont….

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Day: It's What the Fox Says

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Day: It’s What the Fox Says

    Fox Sparrows are coming to a feeder near you! Check out the Vermont eBird data from contributors like you. Some…

    Vermont Atlas of Life Photo-observation of the Month

    Vermont Atlas of Life Photo-observation of the Month

    Our September guest photo-editor, Andrée Sanborn, selected some amazing photos from over 2,000 observations submitted to the Vermont Atlas of…

    Abscission and Marcescence in the Woods

    Abscission and Marcescence in the Woods

    Across the hillsides many deciduous trees have lost their leaves, but some still sport a full golden-brown canopy shining brightly….

    Vermont Vernal Pool Mapping Project: Results from the First Four Years

    Vermont Vernal Pool Mapping Project: Results from the First Four Years

    The Vermont Vernal Pool Mapping Project (VPMP) is an ongoing effort to map the location and distribution of vernal pools…