• Posts tagged with Vermont

    Champions Crowned for 3rd Annual Vermont County Bird Quest

    Champions Crowned for 3rd Annual Vermont County Bird Quest

    From the drop of the ball on January 1st to the stare from the yellow eyes of a Snowy Owl…

    Vote for the iNaturalist Vermont Photo-observation of the Month

    Vote for the iNaturalist Vermont Photo-observation of the Month

    The winner from last month was kind enough to act as the January judge. Larry Clarfeld, at North Branch Nature…

    Vote for the iNaturalist Vermont December Photo-observation of the Month

    Vote for the iNaturalist Vermont December Photo-observation of the Month

      With the winter solstice in December the theme was “light”. We looked through nearly 700 images from the month…

    Windsor Cup Winner

    Windsor Cup Winner

    Congratulations to Ed Hack for winning the 2013 Windsor Cup for the second year in a row. This is awarded…

    Muskrat Feeding Wins November Photo-Observation Contest

    Muskrat Feeding Wins November Photo-Observation Contest

    Stick season posed a challenge for photo of the month, but as always iNaturalist Vermont photographers came through. It was…

    Vote for the November Photo-observation of the Month

    Vote for the November Photo-observation of the Month

    With October’s foliage extravaganza long over, the brown and gray month of November posed a challenge for photo of the…

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rusty-patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis)

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rusty-patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis)

    As recently as the 1990s the Rusty-patched Bumble Bee was a relatively common bee in Vermont. They were probably found…

    How Falcons Die

    How Falcons Die

    A new VCE study tracks Peregrine Falcons at birth and at death One peregrine falcon, which hatched on a cliff…

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rough-legged Hawk

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rough-legged Hawk

    Keen birders have spotted the annual arrival of Rough-legged Hawk, a buteo of the north that winters here in Vermont….

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Paper Birches

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Paper Birches

    With the leaves dropping fast, the intricate peeling bark of birch trees becomes more noticeable. Many people don’t realize that…