Among the most disturbing trends in North American wildlife conservation is the steep population decline of grassland birds. Causes vary across the continent: more frequent mowing of hayfields, for example, or the loss of grasslands to crops and commercial development. Birds at risk include Eastern Meadowlark, Upland Sandpiper, Henslow’s Sparrow, and Bobolink.
Recognizing the challenges that arise when birds and people alike depend on grasslands, the Vermont Center for Ecostudies is developing practical solutions based on science and human ingenuity. At work from Canada to South America, VCE engages in research, planning, and on-the-ground conservation. Our approaches have made VCE an international leader in grassland bird study and conservation.
Interested in having a VCE conservation biologist speak at your event, or lead a field outing?
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New England Grassland Ambassadors
VCE and its colleagues have extensively mapped grassland bird habitat throughout the Upper Valley of the Connecticut River in Vermont and New Hampshire. Now we are working directly with landowners and dedicated volunteers in Vermont and New Hampshire to enhance habitat for Bobolinks, Savannah Sparrows, and other grassland bird species. Learn more about this conservation initiative »
Eastern Meadowlark Conservation
The New England/Mid-Atlantic population of Eastern Meadowlark has declined by >95% over the last 50 years. Now, VCE is helping lead the charge in keeping this songbird on the Vermont landscape. Learn more about this imperiled grassland specialist »