At 4,000-Plus Feet, An Effort To Save The Butterflies Of The Presidential Range
September 25, 2020“The big thing is the eggs are going to hatch into caterpillars sometime in the next 10 to 13 days,” Holman says, “and then we'll overwinter those caterpillars to then perform some feeding studies to figure out what they eat. Because we actually don't know what they eat.” Read the story on NHPR »

A Naturalist's Table: White Mountain Arctic
July 07, 2012Read a first hand account from the blog, A Naturalist's Table, on joining VCE biologists on a field trip to see the White Mountain Arctic. Read the blog »

Wild Wisdom: Butterflies on High
June 01, 2010As you pause near Cragway Spring along the Mount Washington Auto Road on a sunny day, your gaze might land on a small moth-like insect drawing nectar from a goldenrod bloom. Higher up, you might spy a dull-colored butterfly nearly invisible against a rock in the sparse meadows of Bigelow's Sedge. And you might keep walking, thinking both are inconsequential. But these tiny mountain butterflies are all about adaptation and sheer grit. Read more at AMC Outdoors »