• Suds & Science

    Thank you all for a wonderful season!

    Suds & Science

    Thank you everyone--the 2024 Suds & Science season has drawn to a close with a great talk about climate change and tick ecology. We'll likely be back in 2025 for another season, but perhaps we'll change things up and we'll be in downtown White River Junction. Suds & Science isn't some boring academic talk with mindless PowerPoint slides. No thank you. Instead, picture a scientist standing in your living room--talking with (not at) you and your friends. Engage them, ask questions, and leave knowing more than you did when you walked in. All talks are live, free and appropriate for all ages, so stayed tuned. We would like to say a big thank you to our friends at JAM (Junction Arts & Media) for recording our events, and to Dr. Daniel Olson (Dartmouth) for the NSF funding that allowed us to bring these recordings to you.

    I'm already thinking about the 2025 schedule, so reach out to me (Jason Hill, ), with thoughts, ideas and speaker suggestions. You don't need a PhD to tell a good science story, and our past topics have ranged from giraffes to urban planning to stone tool use by early humans. I'm looking for scientists who love to tell a story and interact with an audience. Please send them my way, and introduce yourself to me if you come to Suds & Science. Thanks! ~Jason Hill

    2024 Season Schedule (below)

    January 2, 2024 (Tuesday): Shelby Perry [Northeast Wilderness Trust]—Wild Echoes: a story of hope and rewilding. This event was filmed by JAM (thank you Rick and Tosh) and is available for online viewing here !

    February 6 (Tuesday): Daniel Olson [Dartmouth]—Engineering Bacteria for Cellulosic Biofuel Production. "Biofuels made from cellulose are one of the few options available for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the heavy-duty transportation sector, which includes long-haul trucking, ocean shipping, and aviation. Bacteria that natively consume cellulose are good candidates for producing cellulosic biofuels, but in many cases, their metabolism is poorly understood." This event was filmed by JAM (thank you Jordyn) and is available here !

    March 6 (Wednesday): Lilly Linden [Dartmouth]—Frogs on Tea Bushes and Lessons From Fieldwork. Dr. Linden will talk to us about some novel genera of frogs from the Western Ghats of India. While several species of amphibians seemed to thrive in the heterogeneous agricultural landscapes that she worked in, Lilly will also talk about the challenges and unique opportunities of working in landscapes with high agricultural and tourist pressures. This event was filmed by JAM (thank you Jordyn) and is available here !

    April 2 (Tuesday): Kate Buckman [Connecticut River Conservancy]—There and Back Again: a journey through aquatic ecosystems. Throughout her career Dr. Buckman has worked in various freshwater, estuarine, and marine aquatic ecosystems, traveling from NH to the Caribbean, the deep sea, and back to NH and the Connecticut River watershed. Despite the outward differences between these areas, this journey allowed Kate to observe common threads in aquatic ecology and how humans interact with water. She will talk about her experiences and observations and invites discussion around how our actions here in New England may reach farther than we think. This event was filmed by JAM (thank you Jordyn) and is available here !

    May 7 (Tuesday) at the VCE Offices: Joseph Savage [Dartmouth]—Season of the Ticks: Understanding the Spread of Ticks and Lyme Disease in the Northeastern United States. The presence of Lyme disease and blacklegged ticks in the Northeast results from an incredibly complicated story of ecology. Joseph helped us understand how Lyme Disease has become so widespread, and the pieces that we are still working to figure out. This event was filmed by JAM (thank you Jordyn) and is available here !

    Selected Past Talks to Watch