We feel like a skipping record saying, “it’s another record year,” but it was yet again! Thank you volunteers and donors for making it happen.
• There were 81 nest attempts in 2013, including 4 new nesting pairs. From 2010-2012, between 70 and 72 pairs nested each year.
• Sixty-two nests were successful with 97 eggs hatching.
• There is a chance that 6 nests were flooded with all the rain in late May and June.
• We had 71 chicks survive through August this year; bald eagles took at least 2 of the chicks on Island Pond and Greenwood Lake. Most of the other chicks disappeared from unknown causes, but some losses I’m sure can be directly or indirectly attributed to intruder loons.
• On Loonwatch day on 20 July, 288 adults were counted; volunteers observed 280 adults in 2012.
• Two adults were rescued from entanglement in fishing gear, and 2 more were rescued after being found along roadways.