© Julie Filiberti
This article is the first in a series highlighting projects made possible by generous contributions to VCE’s ALL IN for Biodiversity campaign.
The ALL IN for Biodiversity campaign is expanding VCE’s capacity and conservation impact by investing in pioneering science, collaborating for conservation outcomes, and broadening our vision for community science.
Have you ever hiked a trail in deep woods, perhaps among the clouds? Eyes down, focused on rocks and roots, listening for birds, and—if you’re like me—wondering if your heart rate is dangerously high? You’ve undertaken a serious challenge, bolstered by the company of kindred spirits and passing milestones. Every step uphill brings you closer to a grand vista ahead.
VCE is nearing the summit of such a hike right now, arriving at the place where the tree canopy dwindles, the breeze quickens, the clouds part, and the glorious sunshine reveals the summit ahead and a sweeping view below.
When the VCE staff and board developed a comprehensive organizational strategy in 2018, we charted an ambitious course. The world needs our work. Climate change, habitat loss, and other accelerating threats imperil animals, plants, and ecosystems that sustain and enrich our lives. Decision makers need data, and science can guide them. How can we be anything but ambitious?
And yet, our young and energetic organization was already stretched thin. We’d need to grow to meet this moment. We quietly began a special fundraising campaign, under Chris Rimmer’s leadership, to raise an additional $5 million to increase the scope and scale of our work. I am thrilled to announce that, thanks to some of VCE’s long-time supporters who have already invested in this journey, our goal is within sight! It will be my privilege as his successor to lead us all to the summit together.
As we aspire to greater conservation impact, we’re going ALL IN for Biodiversity. It’s a fitting name for the campaign’s final phase, not just because we’ll give this effort our all but also because we know people from all walks of life—people like you—will be right there with us.
Visit vtecostudies.org/all-in to learn more about how we’re investing in pioneering science, conservation in action, and more inclusive community engagement. Watch for an upcoming series of articles about new and important projects made possible by our supporters. (Subscribe to our blog here.) And mark your calendars (and bring your questions) for our Conservation Coffee Breaks starting Friday, February 16, 45 minute interviews with members of the VCE team about projects this campaign is making possible.
Later this winter, we’ll invite you to join us on the final stretch of this beautiful journey by helping us meet our $5 million goal. We hope you’ll then gather with us in the spring to celebrate the view from the peak that we will have reached together—all in.
VCE is all in for biodiversity. Will you join us? Learn more.