• VCE Blog

    (At Least It’s Not) All Quiet on the Western Front: Eluded by Whip-poor-wills in Windham County

    (At Least It’s Not) All Quiet on the Western Front: Eluded by Whip-poor-wills in Windham County

    Despite numerous survey locations and some new robotic helpers, this year’s Windham County whip-poor-will survey team had a quiet season. However, historic hotspots in other regions of Vermont reported their usual noisy numbers of this nocturnal species.

    A Deluge of Juncos and a Surprise Boreal Visitor on Mansfield

    A Deluge of Juncos and a Surprise Boreal Visitor on Mansfield

    Week 7 of VCE’s 2021 banding season on Mt. Mansfield featured a plethora of juvenile juncos and an unexpected, dapper male Bay-breasted Warbler.

    Seasonal Changes Emerging on Mt. Mansfield

    Seasonal Changes Emerging on Mt. Mansfield

    Free-flying juveniles. Molting adults. Regressing brood patches. Subdued, sporadic song. Seasonal changes that signal summer’s inevitable transition were in evidence during VCE’s Week 6 banding session on Mt. Mansfield.

    June 2021 Photo-observations of the Month

    June 2021 Photo-observations of the Month

    Congratulations to Tom Norton and Sarina for winning the June 2021 Photo-observations of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of…

    July Updates from the Loon Conservation Team

    July Updates from the Loon Conservation Team

    July is here and Vermont’s lakes and ponds are bustling with loon-related activity, keeping VCE biologists and volunteers quite busy. This month’s loon update shares news of new nesting pairs and opportunities for getting involved.

    Field Guide to July 2021

    Field Guide to July 2021

    The dawn bird chorus now fades from northern woodlands as the hills erupt in the sparkle and drama of summer insects. Here are some July happenings to kick off your month.

    A Bicknell's Thrush Storm on Mansfield

    A Bicknell’s Thrush Storm on Mansfield

    Mansfield’s breeding birds proved far hardier than the ornithologists studying them during VCE’s Week 4 banding session on Mt. Mansfield. Despite challenging weather, mist captures were solid, and Bicknell’s Thrushes dominated, with a single-visit record of 17 individuals.

    Mansfield Ridgeline Quiet During VCE Week 3 Visit

    Mansfield Ridgeline Quiet During VCE Week 3 Visit

    VCE’s third banding session of 2021 on Mt. Mansfield was quieter than normal for mid-June, but featured a veteran female Bicknell’s Thrush (possibly the oldest on record) and a feisty Sharp-shinned Hawk.

    Heavy Lifting for the Loons

    Heavy Lifting for the Loons

    The first loon update is here and with it come tales of great strength. From flipping rafts to hauling signs, the loon conservation team has been hard at work preparing for this year’s nesting pairs.

    A Veteran Bicknell's Thrush Helps Launch New VCE Study

    A Veteran Bicknell’s Thrush Helps Launch New VCE Study

    VCE’s second 2021 banding session on Mt. Mansfield netted a record-tying veteran 11 year-old Bicknell’s Thrush, who now wears a tiny GPS tag that will help elucidate late winter, pre-migratory movements on the species’ Caribbean wintering grounds.

    Blackpolls Abound as VCE Launches Year #30 on Mansfield

    Blackpolls Abound as VCE Launches Year #30 on Mansfield

    VCE’s first 2021 foray to Mt. Mansfield marks our 30th year of monitoring the ridgeline’s montane forest breeding birds. Banding highlights included a bounty of Blackpoll Warblers, 7 Bicknell’s Thrushes (5 from previous years), and our first-ever Veery capture.

    Field Guide to June 2021

    Field Guide to June 2021

    Most of our avian migrants have returned, and the flush of spring ephemeral wildflowers is beginning to fade. However, new life abounds in June! Find out more in this month’s Field Guide.

    May 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    May 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Susan Elliott for winning the May 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on…

    "Big Day" Birding

    “Big Day” Birding

    Read the captivating account of a life-changing “Big Day” experience by VCE staff biologist and accomplished birder, Nathaniel Sharp. You can experience a “Big Day” with VCE – join us for Backyard Bird Quest 2021 on May 22nd!

    Join Our West Virginia White Watch (April 1-June 6)

    Join Our West Virginia White Watch (April 1-June 6)

    Spring is changing. The snow is melting earlier, wildflowers are blooming sooner, and trees are leafing out faster. How are West Virginia White butterflies faring? Join the West Virginia White Watch!

    VCE Presentations from the 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference

    VCE Presentations from the 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference

    VCE staff members presented at the virtual 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference in April. Their presentations were pre-recorded and are now available to you to enjoy!

    Tribute to Steve Parren — a Conservation Champion and VCE Friend

    Tribute to Steve Parren — a Conservation Champion and VCE Friend

    Steve Parren, longtime cornerstone of non-game wildlife conservation efforts at the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, will soon retire. VCE salutes this conservation champion and reflects on his remarkable legacy.

    V C E Biologist Spencer Hardy safely holds a stingless male Golden Northern Bumble Bee (Bombus fervidus). © Spencer Hardy.

    Powerlines and pollinators: undervalued and underappreciated

    Just as hayfields are essential habitat for grassland birds like Bobolinks, consensus is building that the scrubby open habitat maintained under utility rights-of-way (ROW) plays an important role in the conservation of a diverse suite of wildlife. We’re looking to connect with landowners in north-central Vermont with ROWs on their property about conducting weekly surveys for pollinators this summer.

    April 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    April 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Erin Talmage for winning the April 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on…

    Field Guide to May 2021

    Field Guide to May 2021

    Bees buzzing, birds migrating, lady beetles emerging from hibernation, and so much more! Celebrate the spectacle of spring phenology in this Field Guide to May.

    Vermont Town Birding Challenge

    Vermont Town Birding Challenge

    Vermont’s 251 towns offer up a vast array of habitats and birdlife. Recently, Vermont birder Bob Heitzman accomplished his goal of birding in each of Vermont’s 251 towns, a monumental achievement! Learn how focusing your birding efforts at the town level can be rewarding in so many different ways.

    Field Guide to April 2021

    Field Guide to April 2021

    Migrating birds, blooming flowers, and (of course) mud season. April in Vermont is upon us, and spring is here! Find out what’s happening outside in your Field Guide to April.

    March 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    March 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Charlotte Bill for winning the March 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on…

    When Porcupines Dance

    When Porcupines Dance

    This past winter, Steve Faccio employed game cams to video-record activity at two different porcupine dens to see how frequently, if at all, fishers (and other predators) visited the dens. Read on to find out what he learned and watch the action unfold!

    a bobcat track in snow

    Mammal Big Year: Winter Update

    Mammals are on the move, and Pete Kerby-Miller is tracking them. Find out what they found in this Mammal Big Year Winter Update!

    A Giant Leap Northward for a Butterfly

    A Giant Leap Northward for a Butterfly

    Our study published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution this week shows an unusually rapid northward range shift by the Eastern Giant Swallowtail.

    Field Guide to March 2021

    Field Guide to March 2021

    In early March, snowbanks and frosty mornings remind us it’s still winter–but by month’s end longer days and warmer winds prevail. On March 20, the vernal equinox marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Here are some signs of spring to look for in the natural world to tide you over until warmer weather truly arrives.

    February 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    February 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Susan Elliott for winning the February 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life on…

    A loon rests comfortably on top of a life preserver in a plastic box with air holes, ready for transport to open water.

    Loon Rescue in January on Maidstone Lake

    On January 28, Eric Hanson received an email about a loon in distress on snow- and ice-covered Maidstone Lake in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Read on for details about this loon rescue, written by VCE volunteers.

    January 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

    January 2021 Photo-observation of the Month

      Congratulations to Bryan Pfeiffer for winning the January 2021 Photo-observation of the Month for the Vermont Atlas of Life…