• Posts tagged with banding

    VCE's 28th Mansfield Season Begins on a Quiet, Chilly Note

    VCE’s 28th Mansfield Season Begins on a Quiet, Chilly Note

    VCE’s 28th field season studying the breeding birds on Mt. Mansfield ridgeline is off to a quiet and chilly start. Vocal activity has been subdued and mist net captures low, but inevitable avian surprises have kept banders’ spirits high.

    From New England to Colombia, Migratory Species Rely on Grassland Ambassadors - Part III

    From New England to Colombia, Migratory Species Rely on Grassland Ambassadors – Part III

    VCE biologist Rosalind Renfrew spent three weeks in Colombia with conservation partners Asociación Calidris for migratory grassland bird research and outreach. Read this final post of a three-part series about this incredible shared learning experience.

    From New England to Colombia, Migratory Species Rely on Grassland Ambassadors - Part II

    From New England to Colombia, Migratory Species Rely on Grassland Ambassadors – Part II

    VCE biologist Rosalind Renfrew spent three weeks in Colombia with conservation partners Asociación Calidris for migratory grassland bird research and outreach. Read part two of a three-part series about this incredible shared learning experience.

    Live Updates: Tracking Upland Sandpiper Trans-hemispheric Migration

    Live Updates: Tracking Upland Sandpiper Trans-hemispheric Migration

    Follow Konza the Upland Sandpiper on her migration journey! We will post updated maps every few days to show where Konza travels, stops, and overwinters. Where will she go next?

    From New England to Colombia, Migratory Species Rely on Grassland Ambassadors

    From New England to Colombia, Migratory Species Rely on Grassland Ambassadors

    VCE biologist Rosalind Renfrew spent three weeks in Colombia with conservation partners Asociación Calidris for migratory grassland bird research and outreach. Read part one of a three-part series about this incredible shared learning experience.

    From Snowbanks to Cloud Forests: Chris Rimmer is Cuba Bound

    From Snowbanks to Cloud Forests: Chris Rimmer is Cuba Bound

    VCE’s Chris Rimmer is bound for eastern Cuba. He’ll trade a foot-plus of new snow and subzero temperatures for humid cloud forests and Cuban Trogons.

    Mansfield Reflection: A Bird in the Hand Instills a Conservation Ethic

    Mansfield Reflection: A Bird in the Hand Instills a Conservation Ethic

    Alex Kulungian’s summerlong VCE internship gained him a wealth of experience and insight, including how vital it is that we expose and inspire our youth to take action on behalf of the natural world. An encounter as simple as releasing a banded bird on Mt. Mansfield can be the trigger for a lifetime commitment to conservation.

    Mansfield Wrap: Molt, Migration, and a Crowd-Pleasing Owl

    Mansfield Wrap: Molt, Migration, and a Crowd-Pleasing Owl

    VCE’s final 2018 summer banding session on Mt. Mansfield featured a much-anticipated tiny owl, songbirds in heavy flight feather molt, and thoughts about the impending fall migration that will take Bicknell’s Thrush (and VCE biologists) back to Cuba.

    Mansfield Update: Hatch-years Predominate

    Mansfield Update: Hatch-years Predominate

    VCE’s penultimate summer banding session featured relatively few birds, some very warm and humid weather, a preponderance of youthful banders, and several family members.

    Mansfield Update: the Ridgeline Quiets, Planets Shine

    Mansfield Update: the Ridgeline Quiets, Planets Shine

    VCE’s mid-July banding session on Mt. Mansfield featured diminished bird song, but a surprise Tennessee Warbler and spectacular planetary viewing.