• Posts tagged with bird

    Mallard ducks on a pond with colorful fall leaves in the background

    Field Guide to September 2020

    One morning, you wake to a nip in the air, and notice subtle changes in the quality of the light. Suddenly, it’s September. There’s a lot going on this time of year, if you know where to look. Here is your field guide to life on the move, and some natural history tidbits to discover this fall.

    In the Field with VCE's Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study–Part II

    In the Field with VCE’s Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study–Part II

    Sam Blair, a UVM senior and seasonal field biologist working with Steve Faccio on VCE’s Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study, offers his reflections from the field in this second update.

    Mid-July Loon Update

    Mid-July Loon Update

    It’s mid-July, height of “loon season,” and just a few days away from Vermont’s 38th annual LoonWatch Day on Saturday, July 18. VCE’s loon biologist, Eric Hanson, gives us an update from Vermont’s lakes and ponds (with photos you won’t want to miss).

    In the Field with VCE's Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study

    In the Field with VCE’s Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study

    Here’s an update from the field (with amazing photos) from Sam Blair, a UVM senior and seasonal field biologist working with Steve Faccio on VCE’s Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study.

    2019 Norwich Bird Quest Racks up 177 Species

    2019 Norwich Bird Quest Racks up 177 Species

    Birders rose to the challenge in 2019, as the inaugural Norwich Bird Quest eclipsed its goal of 175 species found within town borders in a single year. Over 1,300 eBird checklists by 17 birders generated an impressive total of 177 species, with numerous surprises. The 2020 Quest is now underway, with even more ambitious goals!

    Of Birds and Buckets: Nocturnal Flight Call Recordings Shine A Light on Migration Timing

    Of Birds and Buckets: Nocturnal Flight Call Recordings Shine A Light on Migration Timing

    Most of our knowledge regarding the migration timing of songbirds comes from birding observations made during the day, even though much of the actual migration occurs at night. Is this a problem? As it turns out, it might be.

    Fir Mast and Winter Weather Drives Survival in a Montane Forest Bird Species

    Fir Mast and Winter Weather Drives Survival in a Montane Forest Bird Species

    Recently published VCE paper describes unexpected findings in the quest to understand how environmental processes shape the population dynamics of Bicknell’s Thrush throughout their annual cycle.

    Chocolate: It's for the Birds

    Chocolate: It’s for the Birds

    Help us spread the word about an exciting initiative to conserve Bicknell’s Thrush wintering habitat. And eat more cacao. It’s good for you and the birds!

    New VCE Study Reveals Surprising Upland Sandpiper Migration Patterns

    New VCE Study Reveals Surprising Upland Sandpiper Migration Patterns

    VCE’s recent paper describes surprising new information about migratory patterns of Upland Sandpipers.

    A mid-sized brown, speckled bird (Bicknell's Thrush) sings atop an evergreen branch.

    Mercury in the Mountains: VCE Research Yields More Questions than Answers

    VCE’s recently published paper from our long-term research on mercury accumulation in montane forest birds describes unexpected results.