• Posts tagged with Birds

    Mansfield Update: Returning Sharpies and Thrushes

    Mansfield Update: Returning Sharpies and Thrushes

    With only three weeks before VCE’s 2020 banding season on Mt. Mansfield wraps up, free-flying juveniles, molting adults and wandering post-breeders were highlights, along with a 4+ year-old returning Sharp-shinned Hawk.

    Mid-July Loon Update

    Mid-July Loon Update

    It’s mid-July, height of “loon season,” and just a few days away from Vermont’s 38th annual LoonWatch Day on Saturday, July 18. VCE’s loon biologist, Eric Hanson, gives us an update from Vermont’s lakes and ponds (with photos you won’t want to miss).

    The Masked Banders of Mansfield

    The Masked Banders of Mansfield

    VCE’s 29th year of banding birds on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline now finds staff and visitors sporting masks, a concession to safety in the COVID era. Our enthusiasm remains undiminished.

    In the Field with VCE's Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study

    In the Field with VCE’s Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study

    Here’s an update from the field (with amazing photos) from Sam Blair, a UVM senior and seasonal field biologist working with Steve Faccio on VCE’s Bird-friendly Maple Efficacy Study.

    Sharpies, PUFI and Blackpolls: Week 3 on Mt. Mansfield

    Sharpies, PUFI and Blackpolls: Week 3 on Mt. Mansfield

    VCE’s third weekly banding session of 2020 on Mt. Mansfield featured a Sharp-shinned Hawk, a ‘PUFIgeddon’ of Purple Finches, several non-locally breeding warblers, and a resurgence in Blackpoll Warbler numbers. And, transport via ATVs appears to have been relegated to a memory.

    VCE Staff "Bird in Place" for Backyard Bird Quest 2020

    VCE Staff “Bird in Place” for Backyard Bird Quest 2020

    VCE’s annual Birdathon took on a new form this spring, as the Green Mountain Goatsuckers “birded in place” for Backyard Bird Quest 2020. Sallying forth individually from our home bases—some even outside Vermont—we collectively found 134 species during the day, raising crucial funds for VCE’s wildlife conservation work.

    Narrowing Down the Whereabouts of Bicknell's Thrush in Cuba

    Narrowing Down the Whereabouts of Bicknell’s Thrush in Cuba

    VCE’s 2020 field trip to eastern Cuba yielded many avian treasures, but no new Bicknell’s Thrush records. After four years, it is clear that the species specializes on cloud forests in Cuba, and that conservation efforts must continue to focus on core Hispaniolan winter habitats.

    A Serendipitous Orchard Oriole Extravaganza

    A Serendipitous Orchard Oriole Extravaganza

    A casual dusk bird walk during a layover in Panama City provided Chris Rimmer with an unforgettable birding experience, as he intercepted an unprecedented concentration of Orchard Orioles heading to a communal nighttime roost.

    2019 Norwich Bird Quest Racks up 177 Species

    2019 Norwich Bird Quest Racks up 177 Species

    Birders rose to the challenge in 2019, as the inaugural Norwich Bird Quest eclipsed its goal of 175 species found within town borders in a single year. Over 1,300 eBird checklists by 17 birders generated an impressive total of 177 species, with numerous surprises. The 2020 Quest is now underway, with even more ambitious goals!

    Of Birds and Buckets: Nocturnal Flight Call Recordings Shine A Light on Migration Timing

    Of Birds and Buckets: Nocturnal Flight Call Recordings Shine A Light on Migration Timing

    Most of our knowledge regarding the migration timing of songbirds comes from birding observations made during the day, even though much of the actual migration occurs at night. Is this a problem? As it turns out, it might be.