• Posts tagged with forest

    Forest Bird Monitoring Data Dashboard Goes Live

    Forest Bird Monitoring Data Dashboard Goes Live

    For over 30 years, VCE has coordinated the Vermont Forest Bird Monitoring Program to track the long-term population trends of interior forest birds. The backbone of this project is the dedicated corps of volunteer birders. The data these hardy birders collect are invaluable in tracking the status of forest songbirds. Now, the FBMP has a Data Dashboard where anyone can explore and interact with FBMP data and view up-to-date results.

    Using Both Old and New Technology to Monitor Forests

    Using Both Old and New Technology to Monitor Forests

    When VCE first partnered with Raritan Valley Community College to monitor forest response to prescribed burning in the Green Mountain National Forest, we had some basic questions to address—what data do we want to collect and how will we collect it?

    Field Guide to April 2023

    Field Guide to April 2023

    In April, the northern forest is laid bare with cold desire, and our long-dormant senses awaken. Here’s our guide to some of the joys this month brings.

    Fire Management in the Green Mountains

    Fire Management in the Green Mountains

    True wildfire may be an uncommon feature of Vermont’s landscape. However, interest in using prescribed burns as a management tool—particularly in Vermont’s dry oak forests—is growing. A new collaborative project is examining the efficacy of using fire to manage oak forests.

    Team Berak Finds Reason for Optimism in Haiti

    Team Berak Finds Reason for Optimism in Haiti

    Jim Goetz, a dedicated team of Haitian conservationists and I just completed 3 days of banding and point counts at…

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Paper Birches

    Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Paper Birches

    With the leaves dropping fast, the intricate peeling bark of birch trees becomes more noticeable. Many people don’t realize that…