New VCE Study Reveals Surprising Upland Sandpiper Migration Patterns
VCE’s recent paper describes surprising new information about migratory patterns of Upland Sandpipers.

Live Updates: Tracking Upland Sandpiper Trans-hemispheric Migration
Follow Konza the Upland Sandpiper on her migration journey! We will post updated maps every few days to show where Konza travels, stops, and overwinters. Where will she go next?

Where are the Whip-poor-wills? 2018 Field Season Update
For more than a decade, VCE has led a project that takes place while most folks are fast asleep. Learn about our 2018 Whip-poor-will Project survey results, and find out how you can get involved!

Vernal Pools Through the Year
Picture a vernal pool in your mind’s eye and you’re instantly swept away to springtime. But here at VCE, our vernal pool research spans all seasons. Alex Wells, our VPMon Coordinator, provides this latest update on off-season vernal pool monitoring activities.

Champions Crowned for 3rd Annual Vermont County Bird Quest
From the drop of the ball on January 1st to the stare from the yellow eyes of a Snowy Owl…

Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Rough-legged Hawk
Keen birders have spotted the annual arrival of Rough-legged Hawk, a buteo of the north that winters here in Vermont….

Vermont Atlas of Life Map of the Week: Paper Birches
With the leaves dropping fast, the intricate peeling bark of birch trees becomes more noticeable. Many people don’t realize that…