Posts tagged with Mt. Mansfield

Memories of a Summer Bird Banding on Mt. Mansfield

Memories of a Summer Bird Banding on Mt. Mansfield

Nate Launer, VCE’s 2017 Alexander Dickey Conservation Intern, shares his reflections on banding birds at our long-term study site on Mt. Mansfield. After five overnight field trips in July and early August, Nate gained proficiency in handling and banding small songbirds like Bicknell’s Thrush and Blackpoll Warbler.

Humans and Songbirds Meet Up on Mt. Mansfield

Humans and Songbirds Meet Up on Mt. Mansfield

VCE’s 11-12 July field trip to Mt. Mansfield featured favorable weather and plentiful mist net captures. Banding highlights included the season’s first Winter Wren (it’s astounding how tiny these birds are, given the volume of their song!) and Magnolia Warbler, and free-flying juveniles of 3 species. The human element of this trip was especially rewarding, with a 10 year-old and his grandfather, our two summer interns, and several other enthusiastic visitors.

VCE Awarded 2017 TechGrant

VCE Awarded 2017 TechGrant

From birds to bumble bees, salamanders to swallowtails, VCE biologists harness the power of technology to help solve complex wildlife conservation issues. A 2017 TechGrant award from the TechFoundation will now enable us to accomplish even more.

Weather and Blackpolls Storm Mt. Mansfield

Weather and Blackpolls Storm Mt. Mansfield

VCE completed its 25th consecutive field season on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline in dramatic fashion, encountering a storm of both weather and migrant birds. We banded a record 46 Blackpoll Warblers, and Bicknell’s Thrushes were vocalizing actively even as we took down our last nets in the gusty rain.

Owls and Tennessee Warblers Find VCE Nets on Mansfield

Owls and Tennessee Warblers Find VCE Nets on Mansfield

VCE enjoyed an eventful, if quiet, final summer field trip to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline. Banding highlights included a juvenile Northern Saw-whet Owl, 2 adult Tennessee Warblers, and 12 juvenile Bicknell’s Thrushes.

Seasonal Changes in Evidence on Mt. Mansfield

Seasonal Changes in Evidence on Mt. Mansfield

VCE’s latest field visit to Mt. Mansfield yielded signs that seasonal changes are in store, as free-flying juveniles, molting adults and non-local dispersers are beginning to supplant the resident breeders in our mist nets.

Mt. Mansfield Yields Avian Surprises

Mt. Mansfield Yields Avian Surprises

VCE’s seventh weekly visit to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline yielded a few avian surprises, including the only Indigo Bunting recorded in 25 years of field work.

Mansfield Update: Hardy Survivors and a Site-faithful Sharpie

Mansfield Update: Hardy Survivors and a Site-faithful Sharpie

After forced cancellation of a planned field trip to Mt. Mansfield in early June, when wind chills on the ridgeline plummeted to 14 degrees F, VCE returned on June 15-16. The avian chorus was subdued, but the hardiness of resident birds was evident. A male Sharp-shinned Hawk banded in 2013 was a surprise returnee in our nets.

Bird Studies on Mt. Mansfield: 23 Years and Counting

Bird Studies on Mt. Mansfield: 23 Years and Counting

Always a bittersweet summer milestone, VCE’s wrap-up visit to the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline in late July featured a quiet avian chorus…

Dominican Conservationists Gain a New Perspective

Dominican Conservationists Gain a New Perspective

  Few can lay claim to a close-and-personal encounter with a Bicknell’s Thrush on either its mountainous northern breeding grounds…