Few North American birds can evoke in us the wild, visceral, and pleasing sensation that comes in the company of a Common Loon. Loons are proof that birds need not be colorful to be beautiful. Floating in black and white on a northern pond, the Common Loon is one of our most iconic expressions of life in the north.
The Common Loon's success story is also an example of citizens and scientists working together in conservation. Among VCE's most gratifying accomplishments is the return of a stable population of breeding loons in Vermont. Here's how we work on behalf of loons.
Interested in inviting VCE’s loon biologist to speak at your event, or lead a field outing?
Please fill out our Speaker Request Form to start the process.

Vermont Loon Conservation Project
On the water and along shorelines, VCE collaborates with lakeside property owners, hydroelectric dam operators, state agencies, conservation groups, and citizens from across the state and beyond to secure the future of Common Loons in Vermont. Learn about VLCP »
One of the most effective ways to help Common Loons is simply to watch them and count them. LoonWatchers can keep tabs on nesting loons throughout each breeding season or join our annual statewide loon count on the third Saturday of July. Learn about LoonWatch »