Vermont Birders Rally During 12th Annual eBird County Quest
February 22, 2023With another banner birding year in the books, it’s time to look back on all that Vermont birders have accomplished in 2022. From the Northeast Kingdom to the Massachusetts border, from the Connecticut River valley to the Champlain valley, Vermont’s vast birding community once again took part in the Vermont eBird County Quest. In its 12th year, this event continued to bolster Vermont’s enormous database of bird sightings all in the spirit of friendly competition. Read more on the VCE blog »

Vermont Birders Rally During 11th Annual eBird County Quest
January 10, 2022From the frigid mornings of the final Christmas Bird Counts of the 2020-2021 season to the discovery of Razorbills and Northern Gannets which briefly turned Lake Champlain into an Atlantic Ocean look-alike this past November, 2021 was a year full of birding surprises. Unsurprisingly, 2021 was also a year full of friendly competition during the 11th annual Vermont eBird County Quest. As always, this statewide birding effort produced mountains of invaluable data for science and conservation. Read more on the VCE blog »

Vermont Birders Rally During 10th Annual eBird County Quest
January 08, 2021From the first day of 2020 when eBirders reported an incredible 81 bird species, to the discovery of a Crested Caracara in Woodstock, Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to find as many bird species as possible during the 10th annual Vermont eBird County Quest. In the process, they also collected invaluable data for science and conservation. Read more on the VCE blog »

Vermont eBirders Gather Big Bird Data During County Quest
January 20, 2020From the first day of 2019 when eBirders reported an incredible 73 bird species, to the discovery of a Say’s Phoebe (a rare visitor) in late November, Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to find as many bird species as possible during the 9th annual Vermont eBird County Quest. In the process, they also collected invaluable data for science and conservation. Read more on the VCE blog »

The 2018 Vermont eBird County Quest Awards and Year in Review
January 09, 2019From a tiny Northern Saw-whet Owl in Ripton on January 1st to a Snowy Owl on the Burlington Waterfront on New Year’s Eve, Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many bird species as possible during the 8th annual Vermont eBird County Quest. Read more on the VCE Blog »

The 2017 Vermont eBird County Quest Awards
January 12, 2018From an Eastern Screech Owl in Wilder on January 1st to a Snowy Owl in Bridport on December 31st, Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many bird species as possible during the 7th annual Vermont eBird County Quest. Read more on the VCE Blog »

The 2016 Vermont eBird County Quest Awards
January 12, 2017From a Great Horned Owl on Snake Mountain on January 1st, to Long-tailed Ducks at the South Hero Causeway on December 31st, Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many species as possible during the 6th annual Vermont eBird County Quest. Read more »

Champions Crowned for 5th Annual Vermont eBird County Quest
January 07, 2016From a Harlequin Duck at the Grand Isle Ferry landing on first day of the year to a Northern Shrike during the waning days of 2015, hundreds of Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many species as possible during a single calendar year. See the results on our blog »

Champions Crowned for 4th Annual Vermont County eBird Quest
January 15, 2015The 4th annual Vermont County eBird Quest pitted county versus county, birder against birder — all engaged in a friendly rivalry for top birding honors. From the predawn hoot of a Great Horned Owl on January 1st to a Hoary Redpoll at a feeder during the waning days of 2014, hundreds of Vermont birders scoured the state. Read the blog »

Champions Crowned for 3rd Annual Vermont County eBird Quest
February 05, 2014From the drop of the ball on January 1st to the stare from the yellow eyes of a Snowy Owl on December 31st, hundreds of Vermont birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many species as possible during a single calendar year for the 3rd annual Vermont County Birding Quest. With over 29,000 eBird checklists submitted and over 2.4 million individual birds tallied, there is no doubt it was another banner year for Vermont birders. Read more »

Tallying Birds County by County: Results of the 2nd Annual Vermont County eBird Quest
January 15, 2013From the drop of the ball on January 1 to the last owl hoot on December 31, hundreds of birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many species as possible during a single calendar year for the second annual Vermont County eBird Quest. Read more »

Tallying Birds County by County: Results of the 1st Annual Vermont County eBird Quest
January 23, 2012The past year was an historic one for birding in Vermont. From January 1 to December 31, 2011, hundreds of birders scoured fields and fens, mountains and meadows, lakes and lawns to discover as many species as possible during a single calendar year. The Vermont 2011 County Birding Quest pitted county versus county, birder against birder — all engaged in a friendly rivalry for top honors of the highest species count. On January 22 the Vermont Center for Ecostudies, North Branch Nature Center and the Montshire Museum of Science co-sponsored a unique gathering of Green Mountain birders to celebrate the 2011 Quest's accomplishments and share tall tales. Read more »