• VCE Blog

    VCE Joins more than 80 organizations worldwide to protect birds and their habitats for Year of the Bird in 2018

    VCE Joins more than 80 organizations worldwide to protect birds and their habitats for Year of the Bird in 2018

    In 2018, we mark the centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the most powerful and important bird-protection law ever…

    Field Guide to January 2018

    Field Guide to January 2018

    Although the days are slowly growing longer, life in the Northeast now finds itself in the coldest depths of winter. January is about survival. Wildlife that doesn’t migrate adapts instead in order to make it to spring. Here’s a few tidbits of natural history happening outdoors this month around you.

    iNaturalist Vermont Builds Biodiversity Big Data in 2017

    iNaturalist Vermont Builds Biodiversity Big Data in 2017

    2017 was a big year for iNaturalist Vermont. We had 1,057 naturalists contribute over 56,250 observations representing more than 3,850 species. Read more about this amazing biodiversity data and the community that helps build it.

    The Red Crossbill Enigma

    The Red Crossbill Enigma

    Its finally happening. Red Crossbills are arriving. This year’s bumper cone crop for pine, spruce, larch, and hemlock is perhaps a once in couple-decades event. As a result, crossbills were predicted to flood into the region and birders have been waiting with anticipation.

    Why are Hairy Woodpeckers and Downy Woodpeckers so hard to tell apart?

    Why are Hairy Woodpeckers and Downy Woodpeckers so hard to tell apart?

    Why do Hairy Woodpeckers and Downy Woodpeckers look so much alike? The answer might surprise you.

    Vermont Dragonfly and Damselfly Atlas: 10,000 Odes and Counting

    Vermont Dragonfly and Damselfly Atlas: 10,000 Odes and Counting

    By most any measure, the 2017 field season of the Vermont Dragonfly and Damselfly Atlas (VDDA) was satisfying, surprising … and nearly heart-stopping.

    A Record Breaking Season for Putney Mountain Hawkwatch

    A Record Breaking Season for Putney Mountain Hawkwatch

    Putney Mountain, Vermont’s only hawkwatch operated every day during fall migration, tallied a record 14,823 raptors this year, with an unprecedented Broad-winged Hawk flight.

    Outdoor Radio: The Unique Crossbill Beak

    Outdoor Radio: The Unique Crossbill Beak

    In this episode of Outdoor Radio, biologists Kent McFarland and Sara Zahendra meet up with Tom Berriman, avid birder and regional expert, in Moose Bog in search of the enigmatic crossbill

    VCE Staff Picks 2017: Books for Nature Nerds

    VCE Staff Picks 2017: Books for Nature Nerds

    Nothing feels better on a cold winter night than curling up with a good book. Whether you are a nature…

    November 2017 iNaturalist Vermont Photo-Observation of the Month

    November 2017 iNaturalist Vermont Photo-Observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Jason Berard for winning the November 2017 iNaturalist Vermont photo-observation of the month contest. His image of a curious Ruffed Grouse was the most popular photo-observation as measured by clicked ‘favs’.

    GPS Tags Reveal a Hidden Side to a Grassland Bird

    GPS Tags Reveal a Hidden Side to a Grassland Bird

    GPS tags are revealing new and exciting insights on the epic, transcontinental migrations of Upland Sandpipers. VCE’s recent, ongoing research has revealed that this grassland specialist uses a surprising array of migratory habitats across its route. These range from busy airports, to steep mountain slopes, to Neotropical river banks, and even the open Atlantic Ocean (well, they don’t exactly stop there).

    Reflections of a Mountain Birdwatcher

    Reflections of a Mountain Birdwatcher

    Mike got to thinking about his first Mountain Birdwatch (MBW) survey route. It was on Maine’s West Kennebago Mt., which he only surveyed from 2007-2009 before the route was discontinued when MBW was revised in 2010. But in that decade that has passed, he’s seen a lot of changes.

    From Anisoptera to Zonotrichia: A Legacy of Science and Conservation

    From Anisoptera to Zonotrichia: A Legacy of Science and Conservation

    We’re proud to present this year’s Julie Nicholson Citizen Science Award to Bryan Pfeiffer. For the past three decades, Bryan and every member of the VCE staff have collaborated on a huge range of projects. Learn more about his great achievements.

    A Tale of Two Recoveries

    A Tale of Two Recoveries

    It’s extremely rare that banded birds are recovered or re-sighted outside of the immediate area in which they were banded. Imagine VCE’s surprise and excitement upon learning of two “foreign” band recoveries in 2017.

    Field Guide to December 2017

    Field Guide to December 2017

    Fear not, during these short days and long nights of December, we’re still finding plenty of life in the fading light. Once we pass the winter solstice, which strikes at 11:27 am on December 21st, more light will begin to creep back into our lives. Until then, here’s some wintry natural history to keep you going.

    Join Outdoor Radio Live on Facebook

    Join Outdoor Radio Live on Facebook

    I hope you’ll tune into Outdoor Radio at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies for a FaceBook live event on Tuesday, November 28th from 12-1pm. I will be joining my Outdoor Radio co-host Sara Zahendra and VCE conservation biologist Steve Faccio, to answer all your burning questions about the natural world – from birds to butterflies, vernal pools to mountain tops, we’ll cover it all.

    Swooning for the Snood

    Swooning for the Snood

    How do you choose your turkey? It might be by weight. Perhaps it is from a favorite farm. Or it could be a brand that you like. But if you were a female turkey, you’d be looking at the snood.

    October 2017 iNaturalist Vermont Photo-Observation of the Month

    October 2017 iNaturalist Vermont Photo-Observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Charlotte Bill for winning the October 2017 iNaturalist Vermont photo-observation of the month contest. The images of Ruby-crowned Kinglet with its crest partly raised were the most popular photo-observation as measured by clicked ‘favs’.

    Field Guide to November 2017

    Field Guide to November 2017

    “Stick Season,” when the woods are gray and cold, is anything but lifeless. Fall migration continues with passing waterfowl and the final hawks drifting south. The year’s last butterflies remain on the wing. And winter visitors – like Common Redpolls – will be arriving in good numbers. Here’s more in our Field Guide to November.

    Outdoor Radio: Spiny Softshell Turtles

    Outdoor Radio: Spiny Softshell Turtles

    With a pointed snout and a leathery shell, the Spiny Softshell Turtle is certainly one of Vermont’s odder-looking reptiles. It…

    A Plan for the Future of Sierra de Bahoruco

    A Plan for the Future of Sierra de Bahoruco

    The Sierra de Bahoruco National Park rises from arid plains in the far southwest of the Dominican Republic. Despite the good intention behind the establishment of the park, most now agree that it is failing to serve its purpose. But an important effort to address these threats and ensure a healthy future for the park is underway.

    Vermont Bald Eagles Nest in Record Numbers in 2017 - Peregrine Falcons, Common Terns, and Loons also successful

    Vermont Bald Eagles Nest in Record Numbers in 2017 – Peregrine Falcons, Common Terns, and Loons also successful

    Vermont’s Bald Eagle population continued its recovery in 2017. Twenty-one pairs of adult Bald Eagles successfully produced 35 young in Vermont in 2017, a modern-day record.

    September 2017 iNaturalist Vermont Photo-Observation of the Month

    September 2017 iNaturalist Vermont Photo-Observation of the Month

    Congratulations to Josh Lincoln for winning the September 2017 iNaturalist Vermont photo-observation of the month contest. His image of an Incurvate Emerald (Somatochlora incurvata)  was the most popular photo-observation as measured by clicked ‘favs’, and for a good reason. This was the first record for the species in Vermont.

    Making Room for Meadowlarks

    Making Room for Meadowlarks

    Once a regular summer breeder, Eastern Meadowlarks have been declining across much of New England. So when a pair of meadowlarks was spotted on Miller Farm in southern Vermont, I wasted no time. Paul and Mary Miller agreed to meet with me the next day.

    Twenty Years as the Vermont Loon Biologist – a retrospective

    Twenty Years as the Vermont Loon Biologist – a retrospective

    This year marks two decadal anniversaries: the 40th year of the Vermont Loon Conservation Project (VLCP) and my 20th year coordinating that core VCE program.

    A Field Guide to October 2017

    A Field Guide to October 2017

    October is a month of change. Here’s your field guide to some moments that you might not otherwise notice during these few precious weeks that feature colored hills beneath a deep blue sky with the last Monarchs fluttering southward.

    Bicknell's Thrush and the Endangered Species Act

    Bicknell’s Thrush and the Endangered Species Act

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service has chosen not to add Bicknell’s Thrush to the list of endangered species. The decision not to list Bicknell’s Thrush must not be interpreted as a sign that our job as conservationists and scientists is done. On the contrary, it reinforces the importance of the collaborative, science-based conservation work of VCE.

    New VCE Study Reveals Population Health of Mountain Songbirds

    New VCE Study Reveals Population Health of Mountain Songbirds

    A 16-year study by VCE of mountain forest songbirds across New York and New England, including thrushes, warblers and other iconic species, has documented their population changes.

    Take a Time Out for Turtles: Volunteers Needed for Nesting Beach Clean Up Day

    Take a Time Out for Turtles: Volunteers Needed for Nesting Beach Clean Up Day

    The annual spiny softshell turtle beach cleanup day is on Saturday, October 21, and Vermont Fish & Wildlife is looking for volunteers to help.

    VCE Partners with BirdsCaribbean for Post-hurricane Relief

    VCE Partners with BirdsCaribbean for Post-hurricane Relief

    VCE is partnering with BirdsCaribbean to raise funds for humans and wildlife affected by the succession of devastating hurricanes throughout the Caribbean this season. Please join us in helping get the region back on its feet!