• VCE Blog

    Maine IFW Seeks Comment On Proposed Changes To State Threatened And Endangered List

    Maine IFW Seeks Comment On Proposed Changes To State Threatened And Endangered List

     Public hearings set for August 4 in Portland and August 5 in Farmington; written comments accepted through August 15 AUGUSTA,…

    eye spots on moth

    Vote for the July iNaturalist Vermont Observation of the Month

    National Moth Week was in July, so we made moths our iNaturalist Vermont observation of the month category. With over…

    Bird Studies on Mt. Mansfield: 23 Years and Counting

    Bird Studies on Mt. Mansfield: 23 Years and Counting

    Always a bittersweet summer milestone, VCE’s wrap-up visit to the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline in late July featured a quiet avian chorus…

    June Observation of the Month

    June Observation of the Month

    The June contest focused on observations submitted with sound recordings to celebrate the return of song to the forest and…

    West Hill Pond- Fishing Line Loon

    West Hill Pond- Fishing Line Loon

    Vermont Loon Conservation Project (VLCP) volunteer, Melissa Perley, kayaked up to one of the resident loons on West Hill Pond…

    Vermont Atlas of Life BioBlitz at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP

    Vermont Atlas of Life BioBlitz at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP

    Part scientific endeavor, part festival, and part education, the BioBlitz at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park will bring together leading scientists,…

    Vermont Loon Update 17 July 2014

    Vermont Loon Update 17 July 2014

    Loonwatch day: The annual statewide loonwatch survey takes place this Saturday, July 19.   Most of the high priority lakes are assigned…

    Brute Force Biology Prevails on Mt. Mansfield

    Brute Force Biology Prevails on Mt. Mansfield

    Steve Faccio and I were back on VCE’s Mt. Mansfield ridgeline study site earlier this week.  It’s always hard to…

    The Vermont Atlas of Life BioBlitz 2014!

    The Vermont Atlas of Life BioBlitz 2014!

    Part scientific endeavor, part festival, and part education, the BioBlitz at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park will bring together leading scientists,…

    Dominican Conservationists Gain a New Perspective

    Dominican Conservationists Gain a New Perspective

      Few can lay claim to a close-and-personal encounter with a Bicknell’s Thrush on either its mountainous northern breeding grounds…

    iNaturalist Vermont May Photo-observation Winner

    iNaturalist Vermont May Photo-observation Winner

    The iNaturalist Vermont May photo-observation contest winner by popular vote was by Kent McFarland. His macro photograph of a Giant…

    If You See It, Why Not e It?

    If You See It, Why Not e It?

    Here a nice tutorial by John Acorn for beginners that want to add butterfly sightings to our new site, e-Butterfly.org….

    Birding With Bigfoot?

    Birding With Bigfoot?

    The forests and fields of West Haven, Vermont, come alive when the sun sets, and calling Whip-poor-wills take center stage…

    Blackpoll Backpacker

    Blackpoll Backpacker

    VCE’s first 2014 foray to our long-term study site on the Mt. Mansfield ridgeline made some history.  This marks our…

    Another Lucky Loon

    Another Lucky Loon

    This morning (June 5) a friend of VCE’s seasonal loon assistant, Angela Apicelli, came across a loon sitting at the…

    Fish & Wildlife and VTrans Partner to Save Snakes

    Fish & Wildlife and VTrans Partner to Save Snakes

    The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department has partnered with the Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation and the Vermont Agency…

    Wildlife Officials Seek Help Tracking Tagged Bear

    Wildlife Officials Seek Help Tracking Tagged Bear

    A young black bear has been getting into bird feeders and garbage cans in southeastern Vermont and the Fish &…

    Birdathon 2014: By foot and float yields over 100 species

    Birdathon 2014: By foot and float yields over 100 species

    The VCE team opted for our customary low-carbon Birdathon this spring, but swapped hiking boots and mountain bikes for water…

    VCE Launches a New Radio Program

    VCE Launches a New Radio Program

    Turn on, tune in and go out. Outdoors, that is. VCE and Vermont Public Radio on Thursday launch a new…

    Butterflies Meet Big Data and Social Media

    Butterflies Meet Big Data and Social Media

    Breaking News from VCE NORWICH, Vermont – VCE and a team of biologists from the U.S. and Canada today launched an…

    Penguin Dancing Season

    Penguin Dancing Season

    The loon season is upon us and the birds are back setting up and defending their territories from intruder loons….

    From Barely a Peep to a Cacophony

    From Barely a Peep to a Cacophony

    It’s a warm spring evening. The sun has set. Down in the valley, there is a chorus erupting, and up…

    And the late ice-out winner is....?

    And the late ice-out winner is….?

    And the winner is … Little Averill Lake up on the Canadian border on May 6 or 7. Last week,…

    April Photo-observation of the Month Winner

    April Photo-observation of the Month Winner

    The iNaturalist Vermont April photo-observation of the month by popular vote was The Scribbler. The caterpillars of this tiny geometrid…

    Boreal Birds Need Half

    Boreal Birds Need Half

    One of the world’s greatest migrations is happening now.  Billions of migratory birds are heading from the U.S., Central and…

    Grassland Bird "Ambassadors" Talk Future and Outreach

    Grassland Bird “Ambassadors” Talk Future and Outreach

    A cool rainy day was well-spent indoors this weekend at the Grafton County UNH Cooperative Extension office for a discussion…

    It's Birdathon Time!

    It’s Birdathon Time!

    Team VCE is gearing up for another low-carbon Birdathon on May 20. After some dawn birding on-foot to a diversity…

    Please Give Nesting Bald Eagles Space

    Please Give Nesting Bald Eagles Space

    The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is asking bird-watchers to give nesting bald eagles a hand this spring by enjoying…

    Back from the Nearly Dead

    Back from the Nearly Dead

    Just a few days ago they were frozen rock hard, a frog-sicle. But today, they are barking up a storm in…

    loon with chick

    First Loon Sighting – Lake Dunmore

    The grips of winter eased up on Lake Dunmore with the ice breaking up on April 13. A resident of…