• VCE Blog

    Loon Defending Itself from an Eagle

    Loon Defending Itself from an Eagle

    With the increase in Bald Eagle activity in Vermont, confrontations and flyovers are becoming a more common sight. There were…

    Grassland bird experts seek solutions at national gathering

    Grassland bird experts seek solutions at national gathering

    This week leading grassland bird conservationists in the U.S. are wrangling with the drastic challenges faced by declining grassland bird…

    Vermont Vernal Pool Mapping Project: Results from the First Four Years

    Vermont Vernal Pool Mapping Project: Results from the First Four Years

    The Vermont Vernal Pool Mapping Project (VPMP) is an ongoing effort to map the location and distribution of vernal pools…

    Vermont Atlas of Life New Partner: Merck Forest and Farmland Center

    Vermont Atlas of Life New Partner: Merck Forest and Farmland Center

    We’d like to welcome Merck Forest and Farmland Center (MFFC) as the newest partner with the Vermont Atlas of Life….

    Help VCE Upgrade the Loon Nest-Warning Signs

    Help VCE Upgrade the Loon Nest-Warning Signs

    Hearing the ghostly call of the loon coming through the evening mist is one of the quintessential experiences of being…

    Another Record Year for Loons in Vermont

    Another Record Year for Loons in Vermont

    We feel like a skipping record saying, “it’s another record year,” but it was yet again! Thank you volunteers and…

    Studies report leading causes of bird deaths in Canada

    Studies report leading causes of bird deaths in Canada

    From cats to communications towers, the current issue of Avian Conservation and Ecology lays out the 9 leading sources of…

    VCE Presents 2013 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    VCE Presents 2013 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    Dave Hoag, a life-long resident of Grand Isle, is a man of few words but myriad natural history accomplishments. He’d rather talk about winged creatures than himself any day.

    VCE and Birds Brave the Elements on Final 2013 Mansfield Foray

    VCE and Birds Brave the Elements on Final 2013 Mansfield Foray

    After nearly two months away from our favorite mountain haunt, VCE staff could hardly resist a final Mt. Mansfield “fix”. …

    Turn Red or You're Dead

    Turn Red or You’re Dead

    I have often wondered why on one hillside the trees have muted autumn colors, while nearby on another they are…

    Mountain Birdwatch Season Opening- Magalloway Mountain (3 June 2013)

    Mountain Birdwatch Season Opening- Magalloway Mountain (3 June 2013)

    The Mountain Birdwatch season opened on June 1, and I confess, I’ve been counting down the days for weeks.  Months,…

    Tallying Birds County by County: Results of the Vermont County eBird Quest 2012

    Tallying Birds County by County: Results of the Vermont County eBird Quest 2012

    From the drop of the ball on January 1 to the last owl hoot on December 31, hundreds of birders…

    VCE Presents the 2012 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    VCE Presents the 2012 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    Citizen scientist Kevin Hemeon plans to continue his contributions to citizen science projects for as long as he can swing a net and hoist a pair of binoculars.



    The past year was an historic one for birding in Vermont. From January 1 to December 31, 2011, hundreds of…

    VCE Presents the 2011 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    VCE Presents the 2011 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    From his urban roots in New Jersey to his life in rural Vermont, citizen scientist Ed Hack has maintained a love of nature and a steadfast commitment
    to participation in a wide array of citizen science projects.

    VCE Presents the 2010 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    VCE Presents the 2010 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    For more than 30 years, Ruth Stewart has been an avid student of natural history, an environmental advocate, conservationist, citizen scientist, and teacher.

    VCE Announces 2009 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    VCE Announces 2009 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award

    Roy Pilcher has arguably volunteered more time, logged more miles, and expended more energy than anyone in the past quarter century to advance bird and wildlife conservation in Vermont.