The Vermont Center for Ecostudies works at the fertile intersection of science, people, wildlife, and practical results. Whether you’re a farmer or a scientist, a student or a teacher, a policy maker or backyard birdwatcher, VCE’s results help you enjoy nature, find answers, or solve problems.
Wildlife watchers might want to begin at our Newsfeed, a clearinghouse about VCE’s work. Our WILDLIFE pages feature some of VCE’s signature research subjects – not only birds but insects, amphibans and even a few plants as well.
Scientists, policy makers or anyone looking for research results, reports, or our research published in scientific journals can visit the RESULTS link from any particular VCE project, our scientific publications, and our ever-growing open data.

Scientific Publications
For decades our biologists have worked to understand and conserve wildlife across the Americas using innovative methods and tools. Peer-reviewed publications ensure that we produce and use the best possible science available. Our scientists often reach out and cooperate with other experts as well as an army of citizen scientists to solve some of the most pressing issues in conservation biology. Sound science underpins all of VCE's work. Our Publications »

Open Data
We are archiving all of our scientific data on publicly available repositories for open access. The scope of this undertaking is significant – it takes time and money, not to mention a substantial shift in how we as scientists think about our work. These challenges are one reason why so few organizations of our size have fully embraced open science to the extent that VCE has. We believe that the benefits of the open-science model, though, outweigh the costs, and we are proud to be in the vanguard. We hope you’ll find some of our data useful for your work as we compile and provide access to it. Get Open Data »

VCE in the News
From the New York Times to the Valley News, from WCAX to the PBS Newshour, VCE's work is often featured in the popular press. Read the latest news featuring VCE »

Our Blog
Get dispatches from the field, articles about conservation biology, science commentary, our monthly field guide, and more on the VCE blog. Read the VCE Blog »