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    Field Guide to May 2018

    over town. The swifts circle back and forth picking out the best chimneys for roosting and nesting. Before European settlement, they likely used...

    Vernal Pool Conservation Resources

    the pool during the breeding season (April to June), it is best to leave it in place to avoid disturbing egg masses or...

    Field Guide to January 2018

    near Chimney Point Bridge and Fort Cassin Point near Ferrisburgh. Your best source of recent sightings is on Vermont eBird. Check out the...

    iNaturalist Vermont Builds Biodiversity Big Data in 2017

    These data are shared continually with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, an international open data infrastructure that allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all...

    Vermont Dragonfly and Damselfly Atlas: 10,000 Odes and Counting

    Before we get to the news on those additions, perhaps the best news in Odonata this year was that the Vermont Center for...

    A Record Breaking Season for Putney Mountain Hawkwatch

    Broad-winged Hawks this year. Why were the counts so high? Our best guess was the wind! Hurricanes off the east coast in September...

    Field Guide to December 2017

    Because not all cavities are created equal, animals must choose the best site to roost at night. There is probably some level of...

    Field Guide to November 2017

    Cone crops in the Northeast are bumper this year, perhaps the best crop in a decade or more. This will likely be a...

    Bicknell’s Thrush and the Endangered Species Act

    that characterizes official decisions of this kind: “After review of the best available scientific and commercial information, we find that listing the Bicknell’s...

    A Field Guide to September 2017

    year for Monarch butterflies, and it could be one of the best fall migrations here since 2007. When the hawks are moving, the...