• 294 results for your search term

    A Night (and Early Morning) on the Mountain

    hut, we rolled out our own bags and hoped for the best in the morning. After a short but restful four hours of...

    Rutland County Audubon Marks 15 Years of Monthly Vermont eBird Monitoring Walks at West Rutland Marsh

    Marv Elliott So what happened today on their 180th monthly monitoring walk? The best bird of the day came last. As with the first walk 15...

    A Field Guide to July

    Dragonfly Atlas  (through our iNaturalist portal or on Odonata Central), the best way to identify a mosaic darner is with a lateral image...

    Sandhill Cranes Make Surprise Visit to Windsor County

    Rufous-sided Towhee and Northern Harrier on my mind, maybe Red-shouldered Hawk. Best known as Windsor County’s premier site for Blue- and Golden-winged warblers,...

    An Elm Tree Dating Service on Outdoor Radio

    online elm dating site, when the flower buds from the cuttings open in a few weeks, the pollen will be harvested and matched...

    Open Data

    Open Data at VCE...

    Gratitude for Gulls

    a record for gulls observed in a single day: 14 species. (My best is 10 species in a day on the Massachusetts coast.) A...

    The Season’s First Snowy Owls

    17. Sometimes they drop into a wetland out of sight. Your next best bet — and it has been a very good bet this...

    VCE Presents 2015 Julie Nicholson Citizen Scientist Award to a ‘Loonatic’

    include photos from others who are kind enough to share their best images. I never really “volunteered” for this; my involvement just happened....

    Grasshopper Sparrow

    from their nest. If you are walking through a grassland (the best way to see grassland birds!) and a bird appears to fly...