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    Outdoor Radio: Whip-poor-wills in the Moonlight

    Haven, Vermont at dusk to brave a cloud of mosquitos in search of the song of the threatened whip-poor-will. Listen to the story......

    Record Rains on Mansfield Fail to Deter Birds or Humans

    We were able to dodge the rain just long enough to open three mist nets and capture a Bicknell’s Thrush. Now, we hope...

    Choppers and Hoppers: A Report from the Grasslands

    recapture a bird with a geolocator next summer, then we can download that light-level data and estimate when and where that little guy...

    Butterflies in Snow

    spring returns, signaling the butterfly to emerge from its winter home and fly away. all butterflies develop from egg to larva (caterpillar) to...