• 294 results for your search term

    A Community-minded Ornithologist and Birder: George Clark Receives VCE’s 2021 Julie Nicholson Community Science Award

    vermont breeding bird atlas to his countless ebird checklists—have substantially exp and ed our collective knowledge of vermont's bird populations. for this, the...

    A Tiny, Displaced Vireo Makes a First-ever Vermont Appearance

    during mid-october, initially fooling a couple of experienced birders, then remaining for 9 days to delight 30 or more enthusiasts, many of whom...

    Field Guide to October 2021

    the forested hills fade from green to a kaleidoscope of red and gold that dazzles the eyes. here’s your field guide to some...

    Kinglets Rain on Mansfield Ridgeline as VCE Wraps Season #30

    tiny feathered gems--ruby-crowned and golden-crowned kinglets--filled vce's mist nets and ushered in the autumnal equinox on mt. mansfield to conclude our 30th field...

    Birds, Bees, and Trees: A Summer Working for VCE

    creature that seems so small and fragile can carry itself over open waters to the Caribbean without a single stop, which really can...

    (At Least It’s Not) All Quiet on the Western Front: Eluded by Whip-poor-wills in Windham County

    can set forest understory back to earlier stages where it’s more open. Whip-poor-wills benefit from this early-successional forest structure, more easily finding both...

    Heavy Lifting for the Loons

    the first loon update is here and with it come tales of great strength. from flipping rafts to hauling signs, the loon conservation...

    Loon Rescue in January on Maidstone Lake

    can go for long periods without eating. Sometimes they will inhabit open streams at the outflows of lakes late into the winter, until...

    Vermont Winter Finch Report 2020

    Common Redpoll flocks numbering in the dozens can be expected in open areas throughout Vermont, in exceptional years, those flocks may contain a...

    Mansfield Wrap-up: Bountiful Migrants and a Venerable Thrush

    vce's 2020 wrap-up b and ing session on mt. mansfield may have been our most memorable. it yielded an impressive diversity of birds,...