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    Field Notes

    Fall 2020

    VCE Staff “Bird in Place” for Backyard Bird Quest 2020

    the green mountain goatsuckers "birded in place" for backyard bird quest 2020. sallying forth individually from our home bases—some even outside vermont—we collectively...

    Field Guide to December 2020

    December is off to a gentle start this year; the annual blanket of snow and ice has yet to drape across the land. Cozy

    Field Guide to November 2020

    As leaves continue to fall and the first flakes begin to fly, the oncoming cold weather seems to bring nature to a standstill. On

    Field Guide to October 2020

    October is a month of change. The forested hills fade from green to a kaleidoscope of red and gold that dazzles the eyes. Here’s

    Field Guide to September 2020

    One morning, you wake to a nip in the air, and notice subtle changes in the quality of the light. Suddenly, it’s September. There's

    Field Guide to August 2020

    In this edition of VCE’s monthly field guide, we’ll celebrate a few audacious summer insects and also alert you to animals on the move. Yeah,

    Field Guide to July 2020

    As the dawn bird chorus now fades from northern forests, summer erupts in the sparkle and drama of insects. Here’s a short guide to

    Field Guide to May 2020

    The month of May is a show-off. Grass glows green under blue skies. Woodland wildflowers break out of the ground and demand attention. Trees

    Field Guide to March 2020

    March is a month of battles between warm and cold, between winter’s refusal to leave and spring’s insistence on coming. So, here are some signs of