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    Make Vermont eBird your New Year’s Resolution for 2016

    our eBird community for their commitment to submit observations in the best possible way. We are excited to continue our eBirder of the...

    A Field Guide to November

    encounters since late October. Away from Champlain Lowlands (which is traditionally the best bunting winter habitat here in Vermont), watch for flocks stopping in...

    Mountain Birds and Jail Birds: Another Season of Mountain Birdwatch

    illness, injury, work schedules, weather, or innumerable other — and completely valid — reasons. Even the New York Department of Environmental Conservation stepped...

    Admirals at Sea

    spring migration of 2012 was unprecedented. Red Admiral feeding on tree sap in holes from a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in Killington, Vermont. /© K.P....

    A Field Guide to June

    Flies Aren’t Just annoying to us Noel Dodge was one of our best student interns on the Bicknell’s thrush project. He’s now a professional...

    Bad Landing, Good Person

    area of open water all year. This might be the next best thing and convenient. We can only do so much and for...

    birding hotspots

    Discover the best places for birding nearby or around the world using the eBird hotspot explorer....

    Annual Reports

    conserve wildlife—from common loons right here in vermont, to the bicknell's thrush and other migrants in the caribbean, and southward to the bobolink's wintering...

    Red Squirrel

    and help VCE document Red Squirrel and songbird distribution and abun- dance while enjoying some of the best mountaintop views in the Northeast....

    Abscission and Marcescence in the Woods

    A tree is full of vascular cells that transport water and sap from root to leaf. As the amount of sunlight decreases in...